Sixteen : The Same Smile

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"A true friend never gets in your way, unless you happen to be going down"

-Arnold Glasow-


Ricky's P.O.V

It's worth the hours flight from Canada all the way here to the U.S, even though I did bring enough money for myself to rent at least a room in a basic hotel, I just refuse to do so since I want to stay at her house, with her.

Yeah, I am totally going to lie to her and I already lied to the school smoothly, but my parents have no problem with it, it's not like they care where their son is going to, after all, it has always been like living alone, but then again, I learners that no one is going to be with you all the time and as a man, I gotta get myself pulled together.

As sneaky as it is, I just miss being with my little swan. And as I thought, even within a few months, she has changed again, she just gets prettier and prettier, and I also notice the clothes that she is wearing right now, this isn't exactly her style, maybe she just went out somewhere.

But with who ?

I look at her from top to bottom, and I swear if she is dating someone that man is the luckiest man on earth, and he has to get used of being hated by me. Hah, possessive ? Yes, maybe, but she is worth every single possessiveness, and whether it's as a best friend or as a man, I'll kill anyone who makes her cry.

Speaking of that

There is something slightly wrong with her overall appearance. My instinct is telling me that something is definitely wrong with her. It almost as if she has lost her smile, her light, and I wonder what happened ?

Could it be, she is still not recovering from that incident ?

If that is in the case, I need to cheer her up again, because everything was partially my fault as well, I shouldn't have taken her to a dangerous place like that, perhaps, for a brief moment, I forgot that she was indeed too good for her own good, despite her martial arts ability that almost surpasses all of us.

I look at her, and as she is telling me things, she begins to get all teary and it looks like she is about to cry. I know it exactly, though it doesn't show much on her face, I simply always know whenever she is feeling sad, I guess I can sort of connect with her in a way. It's not strange, we have been together since we were little after all.


come on,

don't cry now,

not in front of me !

I try to hug her, trying to comfort her a little bit as I try to change the topic, maybe that will help.

I tell her about living together with her for the next week, and yes, she looks a little bit surprised by it, but she is a good girl after all, and her parents should be used to my presence since I often stayed over at her house before.

And though some people may feel disgusted by it, it's not like we are doing anything inappropriate.

well, at least not yet.

She is going to hate me if she can hear my mind.

"I have a plan"

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