Thirteen : First Date, Shopping

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"Beware the man who doesn't ask you any questions about yourself on your first date"

-Merrill Markoe-


Diego's P.O.V

I thought that I am going to have fun at this place after some shitty days at school, well, it's true at first, but the fun suddenly disappear the moment I see Odette hanging around Tobias.

That guy, what is he doing around her ?

I look at her direction and she seems to notice it as well as she gives me a stare, we just both stare at each other for a few seconds, and she has that innocent look on her face as if she is not doing anything wrong right now.

Wait, now, why am I even bothering with her problem ? I am no one to her.

But somehow I cannot hide this sort of anger that appears out of nowhere inside of me.

"Hey, what's wrong, bro ?" One of my friend snaps me out from my own thoughts as I turn my head and face them. Both of my friends have that kind of confused expression, which pisses me off.

"Nothing" I say as I walk away.

It is not good to be around their presence any longer, I don't know what is wrong but I know for sure I don't like it. It that kind of feeling that makes you want to punch anyone at the moment, and that can be a bad thing.

Odette's P.O.V

"I'm hungry" I tell Tobias as I touch my stomach. I didn't eat anything before I went here so it's only obvious that I am hungry. Also, it's almost 12 p.m, so it's the perfect time for a lunch.

Tobias smiles and hold my hand. "Easy" he takes me somewhere and we end up in front of a food court. It's basically several different restaurants put in one place and people get to choose what kind of food from which restaurant that they want and they can mix things like that, it's pretty convenient if you ask me.

The place is furnished in brown theme and the food counters are lined on the side. There are many kinds, starting from classic western food, fast food, Chinese Food, Japanese Food, Korean Food, and Seafood.

It's pretty crowded, but there are some empty seats, and so, we pick the one in the corner. He asks me to stay first while he grabs his food and he asks me if I want anything so after he brings his food he can get mine as well.

"I want some pasta and baked potato" I tell him and getting a nod in respond. He immediately leaves and get on his choice of food counter, and soon enough I see him coming back with his food and my food as well, along with two glasses of vanilla shake.

He orders some mushroom fettuccine and warm soup, kind of better than fried chicken from fast food counters if you ask me.

He arranges the food on the table and after that he takes his seat and I thank him. "No problem" he replies as he takes his spoon and digging through the soup.

There is a brief silence amongst us, before I try to speak up my thought since the beginning of this date.

"Hey, Tobias, I was wondering, why did you even ask me out ? We've only met once or twice outside the classes, it's impossible that you even like me, are you playing me right now ?"

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