Brand New Day

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Caroline woke up with the sun beating down on her face and the cold nipping at her nose. She groaned and buried her head into her soft pillow. She finally managed to open her eyes and squinted out the window by her bed. The sky was a vibrant blue but black clouds rumbled in the distance. Caroline could hear distant cars rolling around and the steam hissing from boats on the river. Big Ben stood proudly in the distance and Caroline looked away from the window to the check the time. Her clock read 9:34am. Caroline groaned once more and managed to drag herself out of her bed.

She walked to her closet and threw open the doors. She could tell it was going to snow soon so she picked out a blue coat that matched her eyes and a little black dress. Caroline went to her dresser and pulled out black tights and high heeled boots. She quickly put her clothes on, brushed her hair and added a little make up and was out the door in no time.

Caroline went out the door and down the hotel stairs. On the way, she passed the manager, Elizabeth Winchester. She was old but a very sweet lady. Her gray hair was pulled back in a bun and her bright blue eyes glowed in the light.
"Good morning, dear Caroline. Did you sleep well?" she asked.
Caroline replied,"Yes, I did, Mrs. Winchester."
The old lady smiled and continued shuffling past Caroline. Once the manager was out of sight, Caroline walked to the wooden front doors of the hotel. She pulled it open and started strolling down the busy street. People were out and about despite the time. They were shopping and selling newspapers and talking to each other. They were all enjoying the Christmas spirit so Caroline plastered a smile on her face and continued walking.

She spotted a man on the corner reading a newspaper. He looked about 25 and he was very handsome. He had brown hair and green eyes. She immediately walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up and was mesmerized by her beauty. She gave a sly smile and compelled him to come with her. She led him to an alley that was dark and quiet. Caroline then asked him to give her his wrist. He thrust out his arm and pulled up his sleeve. Caroline brought up his wrist to her mouth and sank her fangs into the light blue veins. She heard a little gasp but continued feeding. The man continued standing and patiently waited for her to finish. Once Caroline had her fill, she drew her fangs away and wiped her mouth. She turned to the handsome man and said, "Forget everything that just happened. You never met me or seen me. If anybody asks, tell them you were cooking and accidentally cut yourself. Now go."

The man hurried through the alley and out into the crowd. Caroline watched him disappear. After a few minutes, she went back into the crowd and walked with them. Many people elbowed their way through the crowd, hoping to get the best sales on Christmas presents. It took every ounce of self control Caroline had not to show the people her fangs so they would get out of the way.

Caroline kept walking, deep in thought until she saw a Christmas store with an abundant amount of decorations. Inside, was every Christmas gift you could ever get. She stopped outside the store and stared inside. There were so many things that reminded her of her friends.

I could go back to Mystic Falls to visit everyone for a little bit, Caroline thought to herself. Then she shook her head. She left for a reason. To leave all the painful memories and people behind. Someone tugged on Caroline's coat and she spun around. She looked down and there stood a little girl. She was about 7 years old and she wore a red snow coat. Her hair was in pigtails and her button nose was red from the cold. The child's hair was dusted with snowflakes. Only then did Caroline realize that the black clouds had quickly moved in and it had started to snow.

"Excuse me?" the little girl asked. Her thick British accent made her even more adorable.

Caroline smiled and said, " Can I help you?"

The little girl took out a small basket and handed it to Caroline. She said, "I thought you looked sad so I asked my mummy if I could give you these cookies. Everyone needs Christmas cheer at Christmas!" She gave Caroline a grin.

Caroline crouched down so she was at the girl's height. "Thank you very much. It really means a lot to me. Now, may I ask, what is your name?"

The child smiled once again and proudly said, "My name is Elena."

Caroline's breath caught in her throat. Elena ran off to her mother. Caroline watched the child hug her mom with such force, she felt a single tear trickle down her right cheek. Elena looked back at Caroline and smiled. A smile that reached her eyes. A smile that had wisdom. Then, they vanished into the crowd. Caroline wiped her face and continued walking. She was lost in thought until she saw someone disappear around a
corner. Could it be? Caroline wondered. No, it couldn't.

Thanks for reading this! It's my first story so just stick with me. Don't worry. The "certain hybrid" will show up soon!:)

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