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Caroline knew she was on the cold, hard ground before she even opened her eyes. Glass pricked her skin all around her body. Dirt powdered her face and stung her eyes. She coughed and a warm fluid filled her mouth. Blood.

She finally opened her eyes and stared at the sky. Bright stars sprinkled the black fabric above her head. Very few lights were around. She could only see the remnants of the car. Bonnie was on the ground, unconscious, and twisted at an unnatural angle.

"Bonnie!" she exclaimed. Caroline hoisted herself up and crawled as fast as she could towards Bonnie's still figure. Once she reached her body, she put her hands forward to clasp her shoulders. Only her bloody hands passed right through her body.

"What?!" she yelled to herself. Her hands waved continually through the mist of Bonnie's body. The form faded into nothing. It was only a mere hallucination in Caroline's mind. Whoever took Bonnie was long gone.

More tears streamed down her face and she realized all alone.

"Klaus?!" she yelled. Maybe her was somewhere nearby.

"Caroline?" he answered almost immediately.

She spun around to the sound of his voice. There he was, standing 20ft away, dirt smeared on his face. She was as so relieved at seeing his face. He stood there, with a little smirk and a relieving look in his eyes.

She managed to choke out a laugh as she ran towards him and into his arms. It was a relief to finally see him ok even though he was an original and practically immortal.

She buried her face into his chest as she sobbed from all of the worry and stress. She managed to peel her face away to look into his eyes.

They were a dazzling blue green and they sparkled at her. Without thinking she bent forward and touched her lips gently to his. They were soft and gentle. She sighed into the kiss like it was something she had waited for for years. In fact, it was something she had been waiting for. Ever since she first laid eyes on him, she knew they had a connection. The first time he smiled at her, her mind melted into something she couldn't comprehend. She had never felt it with Matt, Tyler or even Stefan. But with Klaus, her love was stronger than anything she had ever felt in her life.

Everyone expected her to do the right thing. Be with the right people, love the right person. But she didn't want that. Klaus's reputation was horrifying but in his heart, he was just as innocent soul that wanted to be saved. Where people saw the evil, she saw a second chance- she saw the good. She saw Klaus's true personality. He was the boy that had been tortured emotionally by his father. He was the boy that protected his family when the times were scary. He was also the boy that ran because he didn't know any better. It was these traits that drew Caroline to Klaus. These hardships that she had understood when everyone had hated him.

This time, she was certain about what she felt. She loved him....

She drew her lips away for a second only to whisper, "I love you." It was so quiet but he heard it.

He smiled the little sexy smirk and whispered, "I love you, too."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his torso. After the little moment she said, "We need to find Bonnie."

"I know, love," he replied. "Let's get on our way." He grabbed her face softly and drew her in for a quick kiss.

She smiled and nodded slowly. They turned to the direction of the lights in the distance and began walking. She grabbed his hand and held it tight.

As they are walked, she thought about the car crash. Anxiety filled Caroline because she had no idea where Bonnie was. But she had a pretty good idea that it was Cade who was behind all of this.

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