Crumbling Walls

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The cold kept biting at Caroline's nose while she sobbed into Klaus's arms. The tears came freely and effortlessly. Electricity kept shocking Caroline's fingertips and zipped through her body. But she couldn't pay attention to that. Once again, everything seemed wrong with the world. In the years that Elena was alive, everything went wrong. After all, she was a doppelgänger and certain people needed her blood for certain things.

People like Klaus.

Caroline began to remember what he did all those years ago. What was she doing? Crying in the arms of the enemy? Fury raged through her. Not rage at Klaus but rage at herself. He may have torn down her walls but she let him in.

Caroline withdrew from his arms and wiped her nose. Klaus's hand rested on her arm but she pushed it away quickly, making the spark disappear. His eyes flashed with confusion and hurt for a moment but then understanding.

"I get it, love," he said. "You are still afraid and angry at me."

Caroline didn't say anything more. She just glanced down and felt ashamed. Almost like a young child. She bit her lip.

Klaus sighed and opened the front door. He handed her the same green dress she was looking at in the store earlier. He must have brought it with him. He went inside and left the door open for Caroline. She watched him enter the house and disappear in the hallway. She stared after him, feeling torn. Her eyes watered again and more tears trickled down her face. Why was she feeling this way?

After Klaus left Mystic Falls, Caroline learned to stuff that small flame of feelings deep inside. She admitted to herself a long time ago that she had felt something for him. Only she didn't say that to anyone. Just to herself.

After ten years, she believed her feelings had just vanished completely. But now, they seemed to have aroused. No matter how much she denied it now, she knew something was there. But she couldn't get in the way of Klaus and Camille's relationship. It just wasn't fair to them even though Camille was rude and jealous.

Caroline wiped her cheeks on her sleeve and took a deep breath. She walked through the door, dress in hand. She slowly went up the stairs but stopped for a minute. She could here whispering in a room upstairs. She listened more closely.

"Klaus," someone said. It was Camille. "Caroline needs to leave."

"No," Klaus replied. "She is still in danger while Stefan is out there. I won't let her go out there and accidentally get herself killed."

Camille was getting impatient with Klaus. "While she is here, there is always a risk of Stefan coming to hurt us."

"Did you forget, Camille? I'm an original. I can't be killed," he said in his memorable accent.

There was a short pause of silence. Camille said sweetly and innocently," But I'm not an original."

What a manipulative little snake, Caroline thought rather harshly. 

Klaus's voice came again, "I know that. I will always protect you."

A little bit of jealousy flashed through Caroline's thoughts.

"But," Klaus began, "I can't just kick Caroline out of the house and tell her to get out of out lives."

Once again, there was a pause. Only this one was longer.

All of a sudden, "Do you still have feelings for her? That little eel??" Camille was obviously pissed off at the idea of this. But that wasn't all she said. "I can't believe you. You love me. ME. Not her. Me. Right?"

Caroline didn't hear a response from Klaus. What did that mean?

A gasp came from Camille. It was a gasp from jealously and shock and hurt.

Caroline couldn't help it. A small smile formed on her lips. Camille got what she deserved. It's karma after all.

"Camille," Klaus said calmly. "You know I love you."

It was strange hearing those words escape Klaus's mouth. It was almost surreal. Caroline shifted her feet uncomfortably while not making a sound.

"Do you?" Camille asked calmly.


"I don't believe you. I never will until that blond is gone! And if she isn't, I swear I will kill her!"she exclaimed menacingly.

And with that, Caroline heard Camille tell Klaus to get out of the house. She heard him open the entrance to his room and speed down the upstairs hallway. Luckily, Caroline ran to her room with tremendous speed so she wasn't caught eavesdropping. Caroline made it out just in time. Caroline didn't even dare to breathe while Klaus raced down the stairs and out of the house.

Once Caroline knew Klaus was gone for sure, she closed the door of her room. She took a deep breath and thought about what Camille had said to Klaus. Camille hated her. There was no doubt about it. But to kill? Takes jealous girlfriend to a whole new level.

Caroline shook her head and ran her hands through her knotted hair. She kicked off her shoes and started walking to the bathroom. She was all bloody and grimy from earlier in the shop.

She turned on the sink water, quickly washed her face and scrubbed the grime off.  The hot water felt amazing as she rinsed her face. But she didn't hear the door open slowly behind her. Caroline began humming a little tune until she looked in the mirror. Behind her was Camille. Camille raced forward and pressed her sharp nails into Caroline s neck.

She said," Don't move or I will kill you."

Caroline didn't even make sound. She whimpered a little but didn't say anything. A sharp point was pressed gently into her back, right in between her ribs. She knew perfectly well that it was a wooden stake.

"Now, come with me. And don't even bother telling Klaus. He isn't here right now." Camille pressed her nails even harder into Caroline's skin. She felt blood welling up and dripping down her neck.

Camille nudged Caroline out of the bathroom and out the house. She walked down the street into the darkness with a stake pressed against her back.

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