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It was slightly too hot in the car that Caroline was in. The air was stuffy.

No one said a word. Klaus just continued driving and Bonnie stared out of the window. Caroline just laid her head back and closed her eyes. Her drowsiness from not sleeping had finally caught up with her. Her eyelids fluttered and she soon passed out.

Her dreams were cloudy and fuzzy. All she saw were colors and flashing lights. There was someone talking but their voice was indistinct so it was just noise to Caroline. For what seemed like hours was probably only minutes but it seemed endless to her. The colors flashed around her, making her confused in her dream.

Caroline, she heard a voice whisper. She spun around to see who was calling her. She couldn't see anyone. But only a low ringing sound was around her. But as she stood wondering, it just got louder and louder. The ringing became higher until it was abnormally high-pitched. The sound became unbearable and Caroline covered her ears. The once bright and cheery colors flashed red and black, leaving an ominous tone around her.

The ringing grew louder and louder until she couldn't take it anymore. Caroline began to scream to drown out the noise. Her hands felt wet and sticky so she glanced at them. They were red with blood from her ears. She gasped in horror and tears leaked from her eyes. She was slowly drowning in the ear splitting noise until she felt her shoulder shake.

She woke up with a gasp. Bonnie was shaking her shoulder and staring scarily at Caroline.

"Caroline!" she yelled. She tried to remain calm but the effort was slowly draining away. "Caroline! Are you alright?"

She whipped her head around to look at what was around her. Their car had stopped. Klaus  had pulled over so they were parked on the side of the road.

Klaus and Bonnie were staring intently into her eyes. She tried ignore the fact that electricity was tingling her arm because Klaus was holding her hand. There were more important matters. Like the one where blood covered the car seats from the ringing in her ears from her dream.

"Wha- what happened?" she stuttered.

"We were just driving until you started screaming in your sleep. We didn't know what to do but then blood started leaking out of your ears. Your screams started getting worse so Klaus pulled over," Bonnie answered.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked. Compassion and caring filled his voice. She hadn't remembered the last time he had sounded so kind. Oh wait. There was that one day.

In the woods...

Where he promised her he would leave and never come back...

She had acted like she wanted him to leave. But deep down, she didn't...

Deep down, she wanted him to stay so they could build a life together...

Deep down, she lov-

"Caroline?" Bonnie asked. "Are you still with us?"

Caroline nodded her head in response and removed her hand from Klaus's hold. She pretended that she didn't feel the little zip of electricity suddenly disappear as she let go.

Klaus looked down and smoothed out his face. Whatever emotion he had there before was gone now.

"Let's get you healed, love," he whispered only loud enough for Caroline to hear.

She only responded with a little nod of her head. Bonnie had left the two in peace, knowing they needed some time to talk.

"Klaus," Caroline started.

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