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Caroline stared out of the small plane window at the little lights below. The sky was dark and the moon was just a little sliver in the starry fabric. She sighed and rubbed her throat. It was burning because she hadn't had any blood in a while. She sighed once again and rubbed her temples. A pounding headache made her cringe and she adjusted herself in her plane seat.

Stefan had left earlier to go to the bathroom or whatever so she was all alone next to an empty seat. She was bored and hungry and couldn't stand anybody talking next to her. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, trying to fall asleep.

"Excuse me miss?" came a voice. "Would you like something to drink? We have soda, lemonade, juice, whatever you would like."

Caroline opened her eyes and peeked at the flight attendant. She was middle aged and quite eager to get Caroline a drink.

"Well, I would like something to drink," she started," but I won't ask for it."

"Are you sure?" the flight attendant asked. "I would be happy to give it to you."

"No no, don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Caroline said nicely to the kind lady. She couldn't hurt her. But Caroline felt the blue veins begin to grow underneath her eyes. She gasped and covered her face before she could see her eyes.

"Miss, are you alright?" asked the flight attendant. "Are you sure you don't need anything?"

"Yes. I am sure!" Caroline replied coldly. She glanced at the lady. She could feel the blue veins and her fangs completely out. She lady gasped and opened her mouth into a silent scream. "Be quiet," Caroline demanded. "Pretend like this never happened."

The flight attendant closed her mouth and turned around to offer another person a drink.

All of a sudden, Stefan came up from the aisle and sat next to Caroline.

"Hey Caroline? Did you have a problem with bloodlust a couple moments ago? I could've sworn I saw those fangs come out."

"Shut up, Stefan," Caroline said. "No one asked for your opinion."

"Last time I checked, I didn't ask for your permission." And with that he buckled his plane seatbelt and closed his eyes, smiling mischievously.

Caroline clenched her jaw and glared at him. She knew he was enjoying tormenting her but she hated him for it. She literally felt like slapping that smug smile off of his pretty face.

She finally got the nerve to calm down and ask a simple question, "Where are we going?"

Stefan smiled and whispered, "A place where Klaus can't find us."

Two hours has passed since the little mishap with the flight attendant. Black clouds had rolled into the distance and Caroline waited impatiently for the plane to land. The burning impulse for blood kept rising and burning her insides.

Suddenly, Stefan ended her internal torment and got up out of his plane seat.

"Where are you going?" Caroline asked sternly.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Don't be so paranoid."

She rolled her eyes in irritation by his smart remark. God, he sounded so much like Damon at that time. And THAT wasn't a path Caroline wanted to think about at the moment. She simply turned her head and waited for Stefan to leave. She heard a little chuckle as he went down the aisle.

To pass the time, she closed her eyes and thought of a happy place.  The last time Elena was there. It was in her head but she was there. With Elena and Bonnie. The last time all three of them would ever be together.

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