Phone Call

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Dust fluttered in the air around Caroline. The cell was cold and the silence was slowly driving her insane. The darkness crept through the room and engulfed Caroline. Her throat was dry and scratchy from the decrease in blood supply. She could smell it coming from upstairs but not once did they bring her any.

She kept on thinking about what Cade had said earlier. His words rang through head over and over again. What had he meant? Why could he possibly need her? She didn't have anything to anyone's advantage nor did she own anything that someone could want.

She groaned and put her hands in her hair. She shut her eyes and brought her knees up to her chest. Tears threatened to burst out of her eyes. She bit her lip as they began to seep out and soak her blouse. It had been 4 days since she had been thrown into this jail cell. 4 days of absolute boredom and misery.

She wiped her eyes and hugged herself tightly. There was a certain eerie chill to the basement. Like something was was watching her, examining her, learning all of her deepest secrets.

She shook her head from the thought and blinked a few times. She sighed and put her head against a cell bar.

Suddenly, the door at the top of the staircase crashed open. Bright light and music poured into the basement. Caroline covered her eyes to shield herself from the brightness. Four figures appeared in the doorway. They slowly made their way down the steps and finally stopped in front of Caroline's cell.

"Hello, Caroline," called a voice. It was easily distinguished as Cade's. He smiled and stopped in front of her cell.

Burning hatred filled Caroline and all she wanted to do was smack him right across the face. All those years back, he tried to take her girls, Josie and Lizzie. That was a horrible time for Caroline. It also didn't help that Stefan was standing next to Cade, like a slave. He smirked at her and bit his lip to keep himself from laughing out loud.

Caroline's eyes bore into his. If looks could kill, he would be down in hell with all the demons that Sam and Dean have killed.*

The third person was the same vampire that had thrown her into the cell and called her "sweetheart." He too had a smug expression on his face. His dark eyes glistened in the dim light. The fourth person had a bag over their head and their wrists were tied together with ropes. The vampire held their arms.

"You may be wondering why we are keeping you here," Cade said.

Caroline bit her tongue from yelling out "colorful metaphors" at him and simply stared at him. She said calmly, "Why have you kept me in this cell? What advantage do you have with me?"

Cade chucked softly to himself. He replied, "Dear sweet Caroline. You don't even know the beginning of it. I need you for something. Something very important. You are the perfect leverage so I shall use you."

"Use me?!" she exclaimed. "For what? You're not making any sense?!"

"It will in all good time. Be patient." He paused. "I just need you to do something for me."

"And what is that?" she answered irritatingly. Her patience was right in the line and she was about ready to explode.

"I need you to call Klaus. Tell him specifically where you are, where to find you and that you need help." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone.

Caroline paused. They obviously needed him for something but what?

"And if I refuse?" she asked. "Will you kill me if I don't agree to your demand?"

Everyone laughed ominously and shook their heads knowingly.

"No, Caroline. We knew you would protect Klaus because of your feelings for him so I brought something to, hmm, push you along." He snapped his fingers and the third person moved and ripped off the bag on the fourth person's head.

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