Old Friend?

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The figure disappeared around a corner, leaving Caroline to walk faster through the crowd. She nudged her way through, murmuring apologies as she went. Once she reached the corner, she quickly spun around the wall to see who it was. She only saw local civilians walking the streets. Whoever she saw was gone- it was like they vanished out of thin air. Caroline stared down the street with a puzzled look on her face. She had a feeling she knew that person, just not his identity at the moment.

Someone elbowed Caroline in the ribs. "Why are you standing in the way?!" said a British woman rather angrily. She had short blond hair and hard gray eyes. "You are slowing everyone down!"

Only then did Caroline realize she was standing directly in the way of all the people. The crowd was frowning at Caroline and giving her the evil eye.

Caroline moved out of the way so the anxious and rude crowd could continue their shopping. While the people were passing, she heard a few curses thrown at her.

Unbelievable, thought Caroline. People go to extreme lengths to please their peers and their families, not realizing how they act in the process.

Caroline huffed and wrapped her coat tighter around herself. She, once again, began walking down the street. She began thinking of her mother who had died many years before. Christmas was one of Liz Forbes's favorite times of the year. A sudden pang erupted in Caroline's heart, reminding her of the cancer that took her mom's life. For the second time that day, Caroline became emotional and she could feel her eyes welling up. She wasn't watching where she was going until she bumped into someone.

Caroline looked up to see an old friend. "Stefan!" she exclaimed. "It's so good to see you! How are you?"

Stefan just glared at Caroline. He said," I'm doing fine."

Caroline looked confused for a moment. "That's it?" she asked. "No 'hello, Caroline. How are you today? I haven't seen you in 10 years! How have you been?'"

Stefan just smirked and looked at Caroline with an amused look on his face.

"Oh God," she muttered more to herself than anyone who was listening. I know that look, she thought to herself. "Stefan?! How long has you humanity been turned off?!"

Stefan put his hands up in the air in mock defeat. " You got me," he said. " Honestly, it's better this way. I don't have to care about saving anybody anymore. It's almost a relief." He chuckled as if it was all some sick joke.

Caroline's face had a look of pure disgust and horror. Last time Stefan had his humanity off, she made him do it. She felt utterly guilty because Stefan is the worst vampire there is.... A Ripper.

"I can't believe you!" exclaimed Caroline. "After all we've been through, you still go to the easiest solution. How many people have you killed so far?! 50, 100? 500?!"

While Caroline was ranting on, Stefan just stared at her with utter boredom. He yawned and said,"That's enough." He sauntered forward and put his hands around her neck. He gave a slight twist and crack. Caroline fell to the ground and everything went black.

Caroline woke up with a gasp. She looked around frantically and scanned her surroundings. She was in a dark alley with trash and a few scrawny cats. It took a few moments to realize what had happened.

Stefan, she thought. He has his emotions turned off.

Caroline looked down at her wrists and ankles. They were chained tightly and the wounds weren't healing where they were.


Stefan really didn't Caroline on his trail. Too bad it was going to take a little more to push her down. She began to sit up but a voice said, "Stop."

Only then did Caroline look up to see that someone else was in the alley with her. He was obviously a human but his eyes were glazed over from compulsion.

"Stop,"he said again. "I'm not supposed to let you go." He had a bag in his hand. He put his hand in the bag and pulled out a syringe and freshly cut vervain.

Caroline pulled against the vervain infused chains but it didn't help. She began to panic as the human moved closer to her. He brought the vervain right up to her cheek. It hissed and burned. Caroline screamed and tears rolled down her face. The corrupted mortal pressed the vervain harder into her cheek. Caroline felt actual blood trickle down her face and onto her blue coat. Then he brought the syringe up to her neck and pressed the needle lightly against her skin. She screamed even louder so someone could hear her but no one came.

The man continued pressing the needle into her neck to make her suffer. It was slow and painful and Caroline wailed so loud her own ears rang. All of a sudden, the compelled man was thrown backwards into a brick wall. His head hit the ground with a sickening crack and didn't move again. Then she looks up to see who her rescuer was. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw him. It was the one and only.


"Wha-" she began but a sudden dizziness overcame her. Her eyes crossed and she began to fall forward but Klaus caught her. Before she could say anything more, her vision went black.... Again.

Thanks for reading this! It means a lot to me. Hope you enjoyed it. :)

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