The Wedding

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Caroline ran her hands through her hair stressfully. She exhaled sharply as she signed the last letter. She closed the envelope and put a stamp on the back. She added that letter to the giant pile of invitations to her wedding. The pile seemed to never end as she signed letter after letter. The clock to her left read 8:50pm. She couldn't help but stare at the diamond ring on her finger. It sparkled in the light as she gazed at it.

Meanwhile, Klaus was at the tuxedo shop, trying on suits for the wedding while Caroline finished up invitations. It had been 5 months since Klaus had proposed. Their wedding was scheduled for June 1st. She had always wanted a summer wedding with twinkle lights in the backyard with live music and dancing. She lost herself in her imagination as she wondered about the possibilities of her wedding. She could just see herself walking down the aisle, all in white with Klaus waiting for her.

The door across the room swung open and Bonnie and Elena ran in. Caroline jumped in her seat in surprise. They both held bags from the dress shop across town. Big smiled were on their faces as they trampled in.

"Caroline!" Elena exclaimed. "We picked up your dress from Rebekah and the bridesmaid dresses from the store!" She pulled out a magnificent gown from a vintage bag. The cream and white fabric billowed out of the case in front of Caroline. Her jaw dropped. It was even more beautiful than in the picture in the advertisement.

"Rebekah found it in an old closet in New Orleans." Elena pulled out a matching veil and crown. "Apparently, it was Rebekah's wedding dress from years ago but the wedding never happened."

"Wow," Caroline breathed. Her mouth couldn't even form the words to say how thankful she was for the dress. She just managed to muster up the words to say, "It's gorgeous."

Bonnie smiled widely. Lately, she had been happier. Her transition as a vampire had gotten easier because Enzo was there with her the whole time. Klaus had turned him back and Bonnie was deeply grateful. Meanwhile, Elena had gotten comfortable with Damon as they started their life together. As she woke up to her mortal life, things weren't as wonderful as she expected it to be. Deep down, she regretted taking the cure because Damon couldn't grow old with her. Caroline thought back to when Bonnie turned Stefan human. It was a terrifying experience for him but, as they quickly learned, Klaus's blood had even more magical possibilities. He turned Stefan back into a vampire a few years after Stefan left Mystic Falls and before Cade had found him. So Klaus gave Elena a small vial of his blood if she ever wanted to use it. Elena hadn't taken it yet and Damon didn't pressure her into it either.

"We got the maroon bridesmaid dresses like you asked," interrupted Elena.

Caroline smiled and said, "Well let me see them!"

Bonnie and Elena pulled the out and displayed them. Four strapless dresses winked at her in the dim light. The maroon fabric flowed beautifully as she gazed at the dresses. She smiled satisfyingly and grinned at her best friends.

1 Month Later:

Caroline applied blush to her pale cheeks as she gazed into the mirror. Anxiety filled her stomach because today was her wedding day! She took a deep breath as she finished up her makeup. Her dress fit comfortably on her body and gorgeous jewelry adorned her neck. On her wrist, she wore her bracelet that Klaus gave her years ago. She touched it lovingly, and smiled softly as she thought of all the memories they shared together.

She glanced back into the mirror and examined her hair. It fell in ringlets around her face, framing it perfectly. The simple yet exquisite tiara rested on her head, winking at her in the light.

"Caroline?" a voice called. It was clearly Elena. She walked in along with Bonnie and her two girls, Lizzie and Josie.

"Girls," Caroline ran forward and fast as she could. "I'm so glad you are here."

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