Miracle Or Not

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Hot tears ran down Caroline's rosy cheeks onto the cold floor. She sniffled and brought her hand up to wipe her nose. It had been two hours since Stefan had killed Bonnie but the pain still gnawed at Caroline's insides. The tears still hadn't stopped and she internally wailed. It seemed that everything had gone wrong with the world.

First, she had completely ruined Klaus and Camille's relationship. Second, she judged Bonnie in a place where she had no saying, considering what she had done. And third, Stefan had completely lost himself in an emotional abyss. And, last but not least, she had called Klaus and led him straight into a trap.

It all seemed to be her fault.

Usually, she would tell herself not to beat herself down about everything but this time it was all her fault. EVERYTHING.

She closed her eyes, trying to think of a happy place where she could escape to.

There wasn't one.

Caroline bit her lip to keep more tears from coming. First Elena, now Bonnie. Where had all of her friends gone. She was all alone in the big bad world that surrounded her.

Her misery seeped through her brain, turning everything black and dark. She was so deep and lost in her mourning and guilt until a gasp jolted her out.

Caroline opened her eyes to see a gasping Bonnie! Her eyes were panicked and scared. She continued gasping. She was struggling to sit up but she managed slowly.

"Bonnie!" Caroline exclaimed. She scooted forward to Bonnie. "How are you alive?! Are you okay? What's going on?"

Caroline bombarded her with a ton of questions. Bonnie didn't answer because she was still gasping. Bonnie was looking around, taking in her surroundings. She wiped her hair frantically and blinked rapidly. Her breath came in short bursts.

Caroline scooted forward even closer and took Bonnie's face in her hands. "Bonnie! Bonnie! Listen to me. You're okay. Shhhhh."

Caroline's voice was soothing. But she was wondering how Bonnie could possibly be alive. Slowly, Bonnie calmed down and took slow breaths. She held Caroline's hands gratefully in a childish way. 

"Shh. It's alright. You're with me," Caroline whispered. She coddled Bonnie like a child and brushed her cheek like a mother would.

Bonnie licked her lips and asked, "What is going on?" She managed to pull herself out of Caroline's motherly arms and hoist herself into a sitting position.

"Well, what do you remember?"

"Not much," she said quietly. "After out little mishap," she paused for a moment," I remember walking back to the hotel where Enzo was and then someone attacked me from behind. They knocked me out. And the next thing I know is that I'm on a plane."

"A plane?" Caroline asked curiously. "So they were taking you here."

"I guess so."

Bonnie stared at the ground, clearly thinking hard. She wiped her eyes from the grogginess of being dead.

"Um," she started, "I also remember being in another cell, barely conscious most of the time. I just remember voices all around me...Talking quietly. One sounded like Stefan, coming to think of it..."

Caroline perked up at the name. "Stefan? He has his emotions off and he's working for Cade by the way. He's way off the rails, like back in 2016." She bit her lip, obviously trying to block out the anger from the betrayal and the murder. 2016 was a horrible year. She didn't even want to think about it.

"He is?" Bonnie asked. She also added, "That's horrible." She closed her eyes, sighing in defeat.

There was long and awkward pause between the two women and both of them stared at nothing.

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