Buried Deep Inside

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Caroline hoisted Bonnie up and onto her feet. Bonnie tucked her stringy hair behind her ears and Caroline wiped her hands on her old dress. She really needed new clothes. She hadn't been able to change into the green dress Klaus stole for her.

Oh crap, Camille. She remembered Camille was practically dead on the ground at the moment. Caroline glanced at Camille's still body on the floor. Her neck was at an unnatural angle and her legs were twisted like a rag doll's.

"What should we do with her?" Bonnie asked quietly. She fingered the edge of her sleeve nervously. Her brown eyes stared at Camille menacingly. She looked so small and fragile.

Caroline looked back at Camille's body and said, "We should put her in an old closet or something because she is going to KILL me when she wakes up."

"About that," Bonnie started, "how do you know her?"

Caroline bit her lip and looked down. Bonnie would be furious when she found out she had been hanging around with Klaus. After all, he tried to murder her friends....but that wasn't the point.

"Look, Bonnie," Caroline said slowly. "I've been...hanging around with someone for a while. I just kind of ran into him and he gave me a place to stay for a little while. Actually, he kind of saved my life....Twice."

Bonnie seemed unfazed by what Caroline was telling her. She probably just thought it was an old friend or someone they met briefly. Just the thought of Klaus possibly didn't even cross Bonnie's mind. Just she wait.

"Who?" Bonnie asked curiously. She ran her fingers through her knotted hair.

Caroline finally grasped the courage to catch Bonnie's gaze. "Klaus."

A ton of emotions flooded in Bonnie's eyes. First, there was disbelief. Then, there was rage and sadness. At the end, there was betrayal. It clouded Bonnie's face and Caroline couldn't help but feel guilty. Caroline felt tears well up in the corners of her eyes but she forced them down.

"I-I'm sorry, Bonnie! I owed him. He save me from those compelled humans. If it weren't for him, I'd be dead. Of course, it didn't help that Stefan was the one that sent those people. If he hadn't-"

Bonnie interrupted her. "What do you mean 'Stefan?' What does he have to do with all of this?!" Her voice suddenly raised with anger and disbelief.

Caroline sighed and continued, "Stefan turned off his humanity. He has gone off the rails. Big time. It's bad. Like, even worse than when Klaus compelled him to all those years ago."

Bonnie held her hand up to her face and took a shaky breath. She mumbled a few curses to herself and sighed. It was literally high school all over again. All the drama with everybody. Back then, there was the Damon and Elena drama. The Silas drama and a whole other list that was far too long.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie," Caroline finished. "I needed a place to stay while I recovered."

"Are you sure that's the real reason you stayed?" Bonnie whispered.

Caroline started,"No! It's not that. It's-" Then she stopped. Maybe Bonnie was right. Did that old spark she buried all those years ago come up again?

Bonnie nodded and blinked a few time to process what the meant. "Alright. I understand."

Caroline wiped a sudden tear that had slipped down her cheek. She was taken aback by Bonnie's sudden supporting self. She sniffed and asked,"Really?"

Bonnie bobbed her head up and down. She smiled sweetly and put her arms around Caroline. "What you see in him, I don't know. But if he makes you happy, I'll be with you every step of the way because you are my best friend."

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