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Caroline woke up in a comfortable bed with a gasp. She looked around at the room that she was in. It was adorned with paintings and photographs. Klaus's paintings she began to realize. They were paintings of beautiful landscapes and people. The light in the room was dim but Caroline could see perfectly fine. She threw the thick blankets back and got off the bed. She still had her outfit on. She glanced out the window. It was even darker outside but it still was snowing. Night.

Caroline looked at the closed door at the entrance of the room. She came to it, twisted the brass knob, and pulled. In front of her was a delicate but beautiful wooden staircase. She ascended the steps that went in a spiral.

Once she reached the bottom, she called out,"Hello? Is anyone home?" She glanced around the hall.

No answer. Caroline went down the hallway to her left. There was a kitchen and she went inside. There was a large silver refrigerator and she went immediately to it. She realized she was starving for blood. There was absolutely nothing in the fridge except for one, lonely blood bag. She grabbed it and tore off the top. She put her mouth to the opening and began swallowing the sweet and salty liquid. It felt like she hadn't eaten in days. All of a sudden, Caroline got the sense of someone standing behind her and watching her. She spun around and saw Klaus.

"Hello, love,"he said. "Are you feeling better?"

Caroline didn't answer. She just gaped at him. It was still a huge shock to see the original hybrid, Klaus, standing right in front of her. After all, it took her and her friends years to get rid of him. It was almost surreal. Her heart skipped a beat. She hoped he didn't notice her nervousness. She suddenly felt very self conscious.

She managed to croak out,"Better."

Klaus just raised his eyebrows in curiosity. He walked over to the cabinet on his left and pulled out a glass. He gave it to Caroline and she muttered a silent thanks. When he passed the glass to her, their hands touched. A slight jolt of electricity went up her arm. She shakily poured the contents of her drink into the glass. Klaus's blond and brown hair glistened in the kitchen light. His eyes were piercing as always but he seemed calm. Almost peaceful in a way.

Caroline opened her mouth to say something else but then another vampire waltzed into the kitchen. She had blond hair like Caroline and dazzling green eyes. Her sharp jawline gave her a sense of power and grace.

Klaus glanced at this new vampire and smiled at her. He actually smiled. Not a fake smile, a real one. Caroline felt a ping of jealousy. She looked at Caroline with a questioning gaze and glanced at Klaus. He nodded.

"Hello," said the new vampire,"my name is Camille."

Camille walked over to Caroline and held out her hand. Caroline took it and shook gracefully. Camille didn't say anything else and the tension in the room was high. She kept eyeing Caroline, wondering if she was a threat to her relationship with Klaus.

"Ladies," Klaus interrupted. "Perhaps we should go to the living room to discuss what is going on." He started to walk towards the entrance to the kitchen. Camille shot Caroline a look of disgust and jealousy and followed Klaus.

What is her problem?? Caroline thought. She sighed, finished her drink quickly, and followed the two vampires out of the room.

Caroline sat in a comfy leather chair in in the living room and kept her hands resting on her lap. She glanced at Klaus and Camille. They just stared back at her. Klaus was the one to break the silence.

"Caroline,"he started,"who did this to you?" His voice remained calm but his eyes were full of anger.

Caroline cleared her throat and replied,"Um. Well, I was walking down the street and I bumped into an old friend. He snapped my neck and compelled a human to torture me with vervain so I would stay off his trail."

Klaus said,"Who, Caroline?"

She looked down and didn't say anything, hoping he wouldn't push it. But he did anyway.

He was getting impatient now. Camille just looked bored and fingered her hair. Klaus sat forward in his seat and said,"Who?!"

Caroline jumped at the sudden change of his voice. She gripped the side of the leather chair and pursed her lips. She still didn't say anything.

He was just angry now. Through gritted teeth, he asked,"Who?!!"

Caroline gave into the pressure and finally said,"Stefan! It was Stefan."

Camille continued to keep to herself even though Caroline knew she was listening to every word.

Caroline's gaze flicked back to Klaus. His eyes glistened with hatred and his lips were in a tight line. He suddenly stood up and headed straight to the door. He opened it and left without another word.

It took Caroline a moment to realize why he left. When it hit her, her blue eyes widened. She was about to say something to Camille but her look stopped her.

"Yes," Camille said,"Klaus is going to go kill your dear friend, Stefan." She smiled with pleasure.

Caroline frowned at Camille. "How can you enjoy it? Someone's life is on the line!!"

Camille just grinned at Caroline. She replied," I'm enjoying it because I don't like you."


"That's what I said." Her eyes hardened. "You are a threat to me."

Caroline's rage only grew." How am I a threat to you? I've only known you for 5 minutes!"

Camille stood up and walked over to Caroline. "You will always be a threat to my relationship with Klaus as long as you live. So, if you come between us, I will kill you. I will make it painful. Remember that."

Caroline didn't say word. She stared into Camille's penetrating gaze and sat back down. Her heart was thumping in her chest and she looked outside the window at the swirling snow.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

I really don't like Camille so that will be her character in this story. Also, I'm kind of coming up with the story as I go so be patient with me :)

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