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Caroline was sitting on the same leather chair as earlier. She picked at her hair nervously while she waited for Klaus. Suddenly, the front door flew open and he walked in. Before Caroline could say a word, Camille walked over to Klaus and hugged him. It wasn't a "I'm so happy to see you" hug. It was a "He's mine and you can't have him" hug.

A string of impolite words crossed Caroline's mind. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the two anyway. She barged between their hug and pressed her finger sharply against Klaus's chest.

"Did you kill Stefan?" she demanded. Her blue eyes bore into Klaus's face. She could feel her rage coursing through her body as she spoke to him.

Klaus replied,"No, love. I did not kill Stefan."

Caroline was shocked. "Wha-"

"What?" Camille interrupted. Caroline suddenly remembered that the other blond was standing behind her. Caroline spun around to glance at Camille's face. There was jealousy and anger swirling in those startling green eyes.

Caroline turned back around at Klaus and said, "What do you mean?"

"I said what I meant, love." Klaus looked down at his shoes. He also said, "I didn't kill Stefan because he is your friend. And even if you don't believe it, he is mine, too."

Klaus pushed past Caroline and Camille and went up the wooden spiral staircase. Caroline just gazed after him, dumbfounded.  Camille smirked and walked past Caroline.

"Don't think everything's alright just yet," she murmured.

She left Caroline there with an ominous note in the air. Caroline wrapped her arms around herself comfortably. 

Stefan isn't dead, she thought. Klaus spared his life.

A small smile escaped Caroline's face. Maybe she had misjudged the hybrid after all.

No, a voice said in her head. He tried to kill your closest friends.

But he didn't kill Stefan even though he had the perfect chance to, came another voice in her head.

Caroline groaned inwardly and shook her head and walked over to the front door. She pulled open the heavy door and stepped outside into the snowstorm.

Caroline walked into a clothing store and shook off the snowflakes in her hair. It was late but the store was still open.

"Hello," a British man said. "How may I help you tonight, miss?"

She replied, "Oh. I'm just looking for a simple outfit to buy."

The worker pointed to the side of the store and said, "We have some dresses you may like, miss."

The man had a dazed look on his face. Caroline thought he looked a little...off. He was probably just tired. But she shook the thought anyway and started to look at the dresses.

There were so many colors and patterns. Caroline saw a green dress that caught her eye. It came down mid thigh and had long sleeves. It was obviously gorgeous. Caroline clearly wasn't paying any attention because she didn't even notice the shopkeeper had locked the entrance.

Suddenly, the shopkeeper came up to her. He said, "I believe this necklace would look nice on you."

"What necklace?" Caroline asked.

She wasn't in a jewelry store. There shouldn't be jewelry here. Before she could realize it was a trap, a wooden stake was driven through her stomach. She screamed and hit the compelled man out of the way. She tried to pull out the stake but the man wouldn't let go. He went forward with a syringe full of vervain. He managed to stab the needle in her arm.

Caroline gritted her teeth and pulled out the needle. Good thing Damon taught her to drink vervain to build up a tolerance to it. One thing a Salvatore has ever been good for. She hit the man aside once again but almost fell over in the process. Her eyes crossed and she finally managed to pull out the stake. She tripped over her high heels and fell onto her hands. She took a deep breath and tried to clear her head but it was all cloudy.

Caroline was falling onto her face and the sound of shattering glass was loud. Caroline's vision started to go fuzzy but someone caught her. It was him.

"Klaus," she mumbled distantly.

"Shh, love. You are safe now." Klaus brought his wrist up to his mouth and his fangs came out. They sunk into his flesh and blood dripped onto the floor. Klaus brought up his wrist to her mouth and pressed gently.

She began to sip the warm liquid and when she had her fill, she drew her lips away. She stared up at Klaus. He was looking at her with his startling eyes. He faltered for a moment while he was gazing at Caroline. There was more electricity zipping through her body because he was so close. The silence remained until it was broken.

In the distance, they heard sirens. Klaus's head snapped back in the direction of the noise and hoisted Caroline back up on her feet. He grabbed the same green dress she was looking at earlier, put her in his arms and sped out of the destroyed shop.

After seconds, Klaus and Caroline were in the front porch. He gently set her down.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she replied. There was a moment of silence. Then Caroline blurted out,"It was Stefan again. He also compelled that human to hurt me." Tears were welling up in her eyes. It was strange to see her closest friend try to kill her. It hurt her feelings more than she could explain.

Klaus reached forward and put a finger under her chin. "Don't worry. I won't let anyone ever hurt you."

Klaus pulled Caroline into a tight hug while she sobbed into his chest. He kept stroking her thin curls and stared into the street that was silent and dark.

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