The Deal

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Chains bit into Caroline's wrist as she hung in the dim, gloomy light. Dread coursed through her veins at the very thought of what Cade was planning on doing to Klaus.

Bonnie also hung to her right, barely conscious.

Caroline whispered, "Bonnie, are you okay?"

Only a soft moan escaped Bonnie's lips. She moved her hand a little to show that she was at least alive.

Caroline sighed in relief. She closed her eyes, mentally checking off the list in her head:
-Bonnie was okay
-Stefan was still out there
-They were trapped
-By Cade no less...
-And lastly, this deal that Cade is proposing for Klaus.

She clenched her fist in anger as she thought about the last checkbox. Before she knew Klaus well, she would assume that he would pick his power. But now?.....

Maybe things had changed, that little voice whispered in the back of her brain.

She knew of his issues with his family. Stuff like picking himself over his siblings or putting them in boxes... He always said he loved them but then why would he betray them?

You see? that little voice taunted in the back of her brain. Isn't it obvious? He only cares about himself. That "I love you" he said back at the car... That's all fake. You're fake. Any connection you two ever had was all a BIG LIE.

Caroline thrust her head to the side, hoping to get rid of the disturbing thought. But the thoughts only kept repeating, making her head spin.

It was all a lie. It was all a lie. It was all a lie. It was all a lie. It was all a lie. It Was All A Lie. IT wAS All a LiE. IT WAS ALL A LIE. IT WAS ALL A LIE. IT WAS ALL A LIE.

A scream gurgled in the back of her throat. She moved her mouth to form one word, stop.

"STOP!" she screamed.

A villainous chuckle filled Caroline's ears.


Eventually the repetitive chant ended and slowly faded out.

"You like that trick? I picked up a while ago." He paused to examine his fingernail as this was all a boring game. He started talking again, "Well, to be exact, I didn't pick it up. I invented it. Ah, the perfect torture. Slow, excruciating pain.... That's why it's my favorite. It can make even the most sane people want to tear their eyes out.

"Some people are so hard to crack, you know," he said. He put his two fingers together, "but if you find the precision in it... They are as dead as anybody."

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