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The plane started descending from the air into a small airport. Caroline still had no idea where they were and the suspense was slowly killing her.

A static voice came onto the loudspeaker above her head. The captain's voice rang above, "Hello, everyone! Welcome to Santorini, Greece. If you look outside to the left, you can see the unique white buildings of the city. We will be landing soon so please buckle your seatbelt."

"Greece?" Caroline asked calmly.

"Yes, Greece," Stefan replied. He sighed and smiled. "I'm hungry. Aren't you? I think I'm going to go out for a bite when we get off the plane. How about you?"

Caroline couldn't help but roll her eyes. As soon as they would get off, Stefan was going to go all Ripper on the citizens.

"No," she said. "What are we exactly doing here in Greece anyway?"

"Sorry but I can't tell you that," he answered mischievously. "I'm afraid that's top secret with me and my boss."

"You're working for someone? The mighty Ripper of Monterey is actually under someone's thumb?" She chuckled and smirked. It didn't seem like Stefan to follow some one around like a little lost puppy. Caroline didn't wait and see for Stefan's reply. She glanced out of the small window at the marvelous city below. The sun was setting in the distance so the lights began appearing. The petite white buildings glowed in the setting sun. It was truly a gorgeous sight.

Caroline's stomach filled up with butterflies as the airplane quickly descended. Her ears popped and she swallowed. The plane gracefully landed on the runway and it slowly stopped.

Passengers began unbuckling their seat belts and started quietly taking out their carry-on luggage. Stefan began to ride out of his seat. Caroline did the same and waited for the passengers to clear out. As their turn came to get out, Caroline fumbled with her fingers. She suddenly dreaded meeting this new "boss" of Stefan's. If he (or she) had control over a famous Ripper, there's no telling what they could do. For all she knew, it could be a supernatural witchy serial killer.

She has seen worse after all...

They stepped off the plane and into the hallway that connected to the plane. She couldn't help but gaze at the new sights around her. It reminded her of Klaus. He had promised to take her anywhere she desired. He had said, I'll take you. Wherever you want. Rome... Paris....Tokyo... At the time, she had laughed and didn't believe it. Back then, his feelings for her were the least of her problems. But now... everything had changed. The little flame in her heart had opened up to him. She thought she had buried it long ago. It seemed like he had taken a match and lit the candle in her heart.

But that was why she left him. She thought she could work everything out. She thought she could forget the grudges she once held. Caroline realized now that she had forgiven him. It took her a while to realize that she was the problem- not him.

"Wake up," came a voice, snapping her out of her sorrow and guilt. Stefan was waving a hand in front of her face. "Hello? You still there?"

"Yes," she mumbled. She sighed and smiled. She was leaving Klaus behind. Even though being here with Stefan wasn't exactly her choice of fun, it was better than feeling guilty for ruining Klaus's relationship. Caroline blinked away the sorrow and continued walking. It was a new beginning. She needed to get Stefan back on the right track, fix things with Bonnie and travel home. These things
were on her to do list. The only problem was Stefan's boss.

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