Best Friend

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Camille shoved Caroline down the dark and empty street. Snow flurried quickly in front of Caroline's eyes. The wooden stake Camille had earlier was pressed sharply into Caroline's back and her hands were pinned behind her.

"Where are you taking me?" Caroline asked. She tried not to let the fear seep out of her voice.

She hadn't felt this much fear since Klaus bit her in front of Tyler when he was stuck in the spell Bonnie installed. At the time, she really thought she was going to die. And who knows what Camille had planned for her. After all, there is nothing more terrifying than a jealous girlfriend.

"Somewhere," Camille replied in an irritated voice. That was all she said. But she pressed the stake even harder into Caroline's back to prove a point. Blood slowly dripped down Caroline's back from the stake. Caroline almost stumbled on her feet because it hurt terribly.

"Look, Camille," Caroline started," I understand that you think I'm a threat to your relationship with Klaus but, really, I'm not."

Caroline hoped that Camille would buy the lie but she didn't. For once, Caroline actually wished that she was an original so she could compel he way out of the situation. She could obviously tell that Camille wasn't going to listen to any more of her lies no matter what she said.

Caroline glanced down the dark street. They were still in the quiet neighborhood that Klaus's house was in.... Except every house on the street was quiet and dark. Not a single light shined through the windows. It was an eerie kind of quiet. Like everything was dead or in a deep sleep it would never wake up from.

"Walk faster," Camille commanded. Camille's expensive boots paced quickly behind Caroline. The force made her speed up quite up a bit. 

Caroline did what she was told while thinking of ways to break free of Camille's grip. Camille had a wooden stake and possibly vervain. Those were the main problems. Two major ones. Last thing Caroline wanted was to have a wooden stake sticking out of her back.

Caroline was lost in her schemes until she heard a bloodcurdling shriek ring through the cold air. It was a woman. Sounded young. The woman continued to shriek hysterically and loudly.

Caroline tensed, wondering what was happening. Suddenly, a sharp scent hit her nose. Blood. Caroline then felt the blue veins pulse under her eyes and her fangs grow out. She felt the irresistible urge to find the blood source and sink her fangs deep into their neck.

Camille must of sensed that Caroline was hungry. She tried to hold her down but Caroline broke free. She raced towards the screams with tremendous speed with Camille right behind her. Caroline hadn't eaten in a few days and the hunger almost had complete control over her.

Caroline reached the shrieking woman who was lying on the ground. A big figure was standing over the woman with his hands reaching for the woman's throat. He was a vampire but a new one. He didn't know the proper technique to drinking from someone. Caroline was standing silently behind the man. Both people didn't even notice her.

Caroline looked closely at the victim. She was young. Possibly late 20's. She had beautiful chocolate skin and a gorgeous face. Her hair was a rich dark brown and she had piercing eyes. Except those eyes were filled with terror. These observations only took a few seconds but it was enough to recognize who the screaming woman was. It was the one and only Bonnie Bennett.

Caroline raced forward and snapped the vampire's neck. He crumpled and fell to the ground with a thud. Caroline bit her wrist and held it up to Bonnie's lips. Bonnie had blood dripping down her neck so she took Caroline's wrist gratefully.

Once Bonnie had had enough, she drew her mouth away and wiped her lips with her hand.

Caroline couldn't keep quiet any longer. "What happened?" she demanded. "Why didn't you use magic, Bonnie? You could have died!"

Bonnie was taken aback by the change in Caroline's tone. She replied, "Hello to you too."

Bonnie just frowned in response to Caroline's questions. "It's a long story..."

"Well, tell me!" Caroline exclaimed. She sat down next to Bonnie and grabbed her hand. "Come on, Bonnie. I haven't seen you in, like, 10 years!"

Bonnie just chuckled and sat up slowly. "Well," she started," you know I was dating Enzo, right?"

Caroline nodded, remembering the special relationship the two shared. It was important to Bonnie during the years after Elena "died." Even though Enzo could be a jerk, he made Bonnie happy.

Bonnie continued with her story. "So, one day, shortly after you left to go travel, he told me he loved me." She took a deep breath. She seemed a little anxious. "Then, he told me..." She didn't finish.

"He told you what, Bonnie?" Caroline asked quickly.

She closed her eyes and sighed,"He told me he wanted to be human so he could be with me."

Caroline gasped. At the moment, the only known cure was with Damon. And he was saving that for when Elena wakes. Caroline said,"What did you do?"

"I made him human," Bonnie replied. "I found a complex spell and cast it on him. He didn't age like Katherine did once he was 'fixed.' It was a huge relief. "

"So it worked for sure?!"

Bonnie bobbed her head up and down. "Except there was a price... I lost my magic. I haven't performed a single nature spell in 10 years."

Tears welled up in Bonnie's eyes. It was clearly an emotional topic for her. Caroline reached forward and gave Bonnie a tight hug.

"Are you and Enzo still a thing then?" Caroline asked slowly.

Bonnie answered," Yes. In fact, I'm here in London looking or a wedding dress."

"BONNIE BENNETT! You're getting married?" Caroline could barely contain her excitement. She felt like the biggest fan girl ever.

Bonnie smiled and cried. Not tears  of sadness but tears of joy. She was getting married. Not only to an ex-vampire but a pretty special guy who would always treat Bonnie correctly.

The girls were enjoying the excitement until Caroline felt a pain erupt in her stomach. She looked down and saw a full wooden stake jut out of her body. He whipped around to see Camille. Camille had a loathing look in her face as she stabbed then stake into Caroline.

"You know what?" Caroline yelled. "I'm sick and tired of this bullcrap. You had this coming you b-"

Caroline never finished her sentence because she pulled the stake right out and snapped Camille's neck.

Camille fell to the ground, unconscious. Caroline huffed and flipped her hair.

"Wow," Bonnie breathed. "You really are a badass. "

The girls erupts in a fit of laughter that filled the night.
Hey guys! Sorry it's so short and boring. And sorry I took so long to update. Had a really bad case of writer's block. Bet you all know what I'm talking about. :)

Anyway, thanks for reading. Honestly, you guys keep me writing! Vote and comment! Thanks! Love you guys❤️

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