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"Everyone, please buckle your seat belts. We will be landing in Richmond, Virginia very soon." The pilot's voice rang on the loudspeaker above their heads. For hours, Klaus, Caroline, Stefan and Bonnie had been on a flight from Santorini, Greece to Virginia. The flight was long and so boring that she wanted to pull out her hair. There were around only 12 people on the plane that could easily hold 150. After all, who would want to leave Greece for a small town in Virginia?

"Thank god the flight is almost over," Bonnie mumbled, interrupting her thoughts. Caroline knew that Bonnie had never traveled much before so the whole plane thing was new to her. And to be honest, flying on a plane wasn't all that amazing as someone might say.

Klaus and Stefan were sitting on the other two seats across the aisle, talking softly about who knew what. Bonnie stared over Caroline's shoulder to gaze at the small town. Caroline also glanced out the window to see the sights below. Lights flickered on the ground and brightened the night's sky. If you stared closely enough, you could see the few cars winking their lights as they drove by.

"It's good to be home," Caroline said absently to Bonnie. Her chin rested on her palm as she stared out the window. Her stomach turned with excitement. After traveling for months, she realized how much she missed her girls, Lizzie and Josie. Now, they were young teens making their way in the world. It seemed like ages since she had last seen them.

Yeah," Bonnie replied slowly. She grabbed Caroline's hand and grinned. They were finally going home. They intertwined their fingers and smiled, thinking of Elena. If only she was here with them.

Merely 15 minutes later, the plane landed and everyone started clearing out. Klaus compelled some people to wait because they were moving so slowly.

Once they were out of the plane and into the small airport, Caroline caught up with Klaus. She grabbed his hand and grinned at him. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he smiled back at her. She felt like she could stare at him forever. Her giddy smile was, yes, childish but in a beautiful way. She was truly happy with him.

She still gazed at him lovingly until they reached the exit of the small airport. There, Klaus compelled a taxi to take them to Mystic Falls.

The four got inside the taxi and prepared for the ride home. Once they were all seated and ready to go, the driver hit the gas and took off.

The coaxing sound of the car on the road made Caroline's eyes droopy. She leaned her head against Klaus's shoulder, falling deeper into the unconsciousness. Her eyes finally closed and the soothing sound of the car faded into nothing.

"Wake up, love," a voice whispered in her ear. "We're home."

She opened her eyes quickly to see Klaus's face. Wow, he really was beautiful. She stared into his blue and green eyes.

To break the silence, Stefan cleared his throat. "Um, we're at my house right now. You two want to come inside or, you know, stay out here..."

If Caroline could blush, her face would be bright red but, luckily, she couldn't. Instead, she sat up and got out of the car to stand next to Bonnie. Everyone walked up to the front door and Stefan unlocked it. They all stepped inside.

"Damon?" Stefan called. He looked around to see if he was coming.

"Brother!" he said while walking in. He smiled like it was Christmas and gave Stefan a hug. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Welcome back, I have great news."

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