10 Years Later...

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Now, ten years later, everyone was living happily. Not one bad thing had come their way to hurt them. Instead, everyone was living peacefully.

Klaus and Caroline bought a nice house in Mystic Falls. On that property, they had a few acres where they also hosted Damon and Elena's wedding, along with Bonnie and Enzo's.

Damon and Elena continue to live in their house, happily married. They adopted two little kids, one girl and one boy. They continue to be amazing parents.

Enzo and Bonnie bought a little cottage on the edge of town. They finally traveled to Paris, as Enzo had promised with what seemed like forever ago.

Meanwhile, Stefan continued traveling the world, discovering new sights. He met new people and made new friends.

Lizzie, Josie and Alaric move back to Mystic Falls and visit Caroline regularly. Lizzie and Josie are currently going to college for broadcast journalism as they hope to pursue that in the future.

Klaus and Caroline's love never wavered. It won't in 5 years and it won't in 500 years. <3 <3

Hey Everyone! Wow. I can't believe this story is done. Thank you so much to all the people that supported me with amazing comments, abundant amounts of votes and so much more. Really, that made me so happy. This story has been a great learning experience and all my readers helped me with that. I love you guys so much. Thank you for all that you do! I hope you like this story as much as I liked writing it!

It's going to be so weird to switch the "completed" button. :')

Lots of love!!

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