Raw Emotion

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Water dripped onto the tile floor as Caroline wrung her hands through her wet hair. It was steamy in the bathroom and the mirror was all fogged up. She sighed and wiped her hands on a towel. Caroline grabbed silk pants and a tank top from the counter and quickly slipped them on. She unlocked the bathroom door and stepped into the dark hallway.

"Bonnie?" she called.

"She left, love," Klaus's voice rang through the hallway. He stepped out of the shadows and ran his hands through his hair. His eyes glowed in the light and his face had a little smile. "She wanted me to tell you to meet her tomorrow at Café Rio at noon. You know, the little coffee shoppe downtown. Oh, and Camille left to spend the night somewhere else. So, it's just the two of us."

Caroline nodded her head. It seemed like her tongue was twisted and her head was pounding. "Listen, Klaus. I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life. About three times, I might add, but it means a lot. Usually you're the kind of guy that would leave unfortunate souls to die alone."

The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. She bit her lip in order to stop but the damage had been done.

But Klaus just stood there and chuckled. "I've changed, Caroline. Can't you see that? I'm not the same man I was, what, 10, 15 years ago?"

"How can I trust you?" she asked quietly, careful not to anger him.

Klaus sighed and took her hand. They walked down the hallway to his room. He opened the door and turned on a light. He led her to a small leather chair. He motioned for her to sit down. He sat across from her on his king-sized bed.

"Look around you, Caroline," he murmured. "These are paintings I did recently. Some big. Some small."

"So?" she asked. "What does that have to do with anything?"

But she looked more closely. They were gorgeous landscapes of vivid sunsets and breathtaking mountain ranges. But they didn't seem dark. It seemed that they contained light and positivity.

"Well, I guess it's better than that creepy snowflake you did for that Christmas thing a while back. What changed with your art style?" She stood up and walked over to a small painting with a lake and a white sailboat. Even though it was small, it showed raw emotion. It showed that time could stand still but that's okay. You don't have to worry about everyone else all the time.

Klaus walked up slowly and stood closely behind her. "Isn't it obvious? I changed my way of art, my life, name a list or whatever but it's obviously because of you, love."

Caroline's breath caught in her throat. She wanted, no-she needed him to stop. It was getting to be too much. But he kept going.

"I didn't kill Stefan because he is your friend. I saved your life from those compelled people and Camille. I've helped you. Doesn't that show you that I've changed?"

Finally, Caroline spun around to face him. "Stop!" she yelled. "That's enough!"

Utter surprise clouded Klaus's eyes and his lips pursed into a thin line.

"I need you to stop making me feel this way! I've tried so hard to push everything down from when you were at Mystic Falls. All those feelings. But NO, you needed to bring all of that crap right back up! What I'm feeling is not okay! YOU ARE NOT ALOUD TO PUSH YOUR WAY INTO MY LIFE WHILE THINKING IT'S OKAY!

Rage filled Klaus's eyes. He retorted,"What do you mean 'I have pushed my way into your life'? You just happened to show up in London when I was already here!" He took a step forward so they were face to face. He put his hand on her arm. "You think it's so hard for you? I told you I loved you all those years ago yet you still denied me. You hated me. In Mystic Falls, I would wake up and I couldn't wait until I could see your face again. You gave me hope! And you threw away all of what I was offering to you! So I left. Went back to New Orleans to distract myself from thinking of you. And I met Camille. I thought I felt something for her but it wasn't the same. SHE WASN'T YOU."

He finished with a silent moment. He pulled his hand away and stared deeply into Caroline's eyes. The silence seemed to drag on but Caroline was at a loss for words.

Klaus took a step back and turned around. He began to make headway for the door.

"Wait," Caroline said.

He turned back around and gazed at her. But he didn't get a big chance to look for long because she raced up to him with tremendous speed and grabbed his jacket collar. She pulled him forward and brought her lips to his mouth. He seemed shocked at first but then wrapped his arms around her body.

Passion engulfed Caroline as she wrapped her body around Klaus. She wanted to melt into him, making two into one. Fire burned through her veins as she ran her hands over his body. He kissed her back with the same amount of passion. They quickly moved towards the bed and fell on top. She tore off Klaus's jacket and kissed him more fiercely. All the hate and anger from earlier had completely vanished.

Klaus stopped Caroline and whispered,"Where have you been all these years? Do you know how long I've been waiting?"

"Just shut up and kiss me because this mood won't last for long."

Klaus smiled mischievously and pulled her closer. He kissed her until his lips hurt. Magic circulated through the air and filled their heads with fantasies and love.

Hey everybody! Hope you enjoyed this part. Sorry it's so short. And It's not the end of the story but just a little twist.

Anyway, I hope you liked it. Vote and comment if you enjoyed. Thank you!

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