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 What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life – to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories. – George Eliot

"I don't know why you two are so excited ." Dad grumbled as he fixed his slightly crooked glasses. Mom piled up four more waffles in to the center plate. "Aaah, now this is something to be excited for." He reached for the whipped cream.

"Oh c'mon dad, you know why! We get to wear rocking boots, stylish coats and beanies in this weather. Fall is fashion season." I say excitedly pointing to my perfect outfit which I spent hours putting together for the new year. I was determined to dress better than freshman year.

"Well I hate all seasons. In the fall I have to rake the leaves, in the winter I have to shovel the snow, and in summer I gotta mow the lawn too. And don't even talk about rain." He complained.

"Dear, you're complaining like a moody teen that hates everything. Fall is absolutely beautiful, look at all the colours." Mom smiled, her hazel eyes sparkled.

My dad dramatically folded his hands and stuck his nose in the air like a child. "Well I want it to rain chicken nuggets and fries, right Scarlie?" I giggled as he started chuckling, he's always arguing about the weirdest things.

Just then Logan, my annoying brother, entered the kitchen and rolled his eyes. "Well dad, I think God doesn't want Scarlie to get any fatter. You better stop stealing cookies, kid." He sat down beside me and reached for a glass of orange juice, slightly spilling it over, making my mom tut.

I gasped. "Dad! Logan's making fun of me!"

"Well honey we think you're perfect. Logan's just jealous because he's on a diet, eh. Trying to impress girls and all, boys am I right?" Dad winked at me. I stuck my tongue out at Logan.

Mom asked dad something about his schedule for the week, she wanted to make sure all of us were free to attend our family picnic she'd planned since dad was pretty busy with work all the time. She believed we should spend whatever free time we have together.

Logan scooched closer to me and lowered his voice to say, "Eric from math class , huh? Aren't you a little too young to have a crush? And he seems off to me, a little fake."

I sighed, I don't know where he found out these things from. "First, I'm in junior year, I should already be dating a hot quarterback according to the books. Second, I don't need your approval Logan, you can't judge who I like. And third, stop listening to my conversations with Zoey." I picked up my bag and grabbed a juice pack from the fridge.

He grinned mischievously, "whaaat? I do not listen to little girls phone calls." Logan took a huge bite out of his waffle and gulped down the rest of his juice.

"Your two years older than me Logan, not twenty. And let's go, you'll make me late again." I threw him his car keys which he caught gracefully.

"Fashionably late dear sis, fashionably late." He smiled.


I was jerked back to the present as my best friend played a song on her portable pink speakers and started tapping her foot to the rhythm. The mint chocolate chip ice cream was half melted in the tub I was holding, just the way I like it. While I stuffed myself with spoonfuls of heavenly ice cream, I watched Zoey Reid dancing her heart out to Dynamite by Taio Cruz, the best song to jam out on in her opinion. This was our typical Sunday, just the two of us loners partying alone.

She flopped on to the sofa giggling and exhausted as the song finished, "No offense girl, but while you spaced out, you just missed the best jam session ever."

"I know, it sucks. But someone had to finish all this ice cream, I was doing you a favour." I winked.

Zoey was the one good thing in my life, she's crazy and dorky and everything happy in the world, she's also probably the only reason why I haven't resorted to homeschooling yet. Ugh, public high school, it's wild, stinky and filled with self-centered and moody teenagers who're dealing with puberty and hormones.

"By the way, why aren't you coming on Monday again? What am I supposed to do at lunch? Go to the cafeteria? Eat?" I said with a horrified look on my face.

"No Scar, who even eats at lunch? Go bungee jumping with Sherlock why don't you?" She rolls her eyes. "Seriously though, I'm only absent for a day, I promise. We're all visiting the old cot for my grandfather's birthday, it'd mean a lot to him since we rarely visit. And if you'd recall, I also invited someone... twice. Who declined. Twice."

"I know, I just don't want to interrupt your family time, plus I have this stupid chemistry test and I'm sure Mr. Morrison won't let me take a make up test." I explained as I got up to search for oreos.

I glance at the time and realize it's almost four, "C'mon, let's start our binge watching of Parks and Recreation before I leave." I said excitedly, I swear I'm obsessed with the show. Ron Swanson is my spirit animal. I grin as I find an opened pack of the cookies in the cupboard.

Zoey sighed, "Alright we'll watch it, but don't change the subject. You know you wouldn't be intruding, my parents practically adopted you but Mr. Morrison is a pain in the ass, so I'll let it go." She flicked on the TV and we settled as the episode started. "But you're coming on our trip to New York in the Christmas Holidays." She glanced at me.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I brush it off as our show starts playing.



So what did y'all think? 
This was a short chapter just introducing you to the story! I decided against making it a prologue. 
Thanks for reading! :) 


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