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You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.
-J.K Rowling

A week and a half of dating Eric Sanders, three days and a half since our first kiss and two days and a half since my argument with Logan. As he walked past Eric and I at lunch, he glared at Eric, and Eric looked like he was about to piss his pants.

I got up off the lunch table and walked over to him, "Would you please stop scaring my boyfriend?"

"You mean that pussy there?" He scowled.

"Logan, please. This is my first relationship, I'm 16 for goodness sakes, I think I can make my own choices." I say desperately.

"Not if they're stupid choices, Scarlett. Look, I'm telling you, there's something off about that guy. But you're right, it's your choice. Just be careful Scarlie, I just care for you." He explained seriously.

I smiled, "Hey, I'll be alright and if something does happen, I've got my older brother to beat him up, right?" I laughed.

"Whatever kid, I'm off." With that he leaves.

I return to my table with Zoey and Eric, and they start rambling off about a party. we were excitedly making plans for this epic party that'll make memories. Not knowing those memories wouldn't be something I treasure, those memories would be the ones I'd give anything to get rid of.


The last bell rang and I walked out of Mr. Felton's class, weaving my way through the crowd to find Zoey, who was hanging by Sam's locker as usual. I walked towards them and waved. "Well look who's here, it's our little delinquent." Teased Sam.

"Ha. Ha. I'm off to detention guys, see y'all on Monday if I don't get eaten by the wolves. Have a good weekend planning my funeral."

"Shut up Scarlett, stop being dramatic. Jokes aside, it sucks that you're stuck here on a Friday." Zoey made a sad face and pulled me into a hug.

"I'll survive." I grinned. I said goodbye to Sam and decided to use the washroom before heading to the detention room. I turned, walked to the back of the school where anyone rarely is because there are no classes, just the storage, art and detention rooms. Unfortunately, someone was there, I spotted Eric kissing some redhead in a corner, his new flavour of the week. I don't even know why girls think he's so innocent and sweet when you can literally see he's with a new girl every week. Then again, I thought the same of him not long ago.

I hurry away from the scene, grossed out, and walked up to the detention room. I stood in front of the door staring at the crooked sign that read, 'Detention Room' and under that, 'Ms. Farten.' Real mature.

I walk in and take note of the few students sitting there. A girl with a nose piercing and jet black hair who was leaning against the wall and listening to music. A blue haired boy who had the most spectacular purple leather jacket and a capturing grin, he was staring at me too. He was sitting near the green eyed devil, Evans. There were a guy and girl on the other side too, they were having an intense make out session, I didn't look at them for long, talk about awkward. There were a few more sleeping or texting in the back. I decided to sit up front where nobody was sitting, Ms. Harten wasn't here yet so I took out a novel out of my bag to read.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw someone plop in the seat beside me, and I decided it'd be best if I ignore them. Unfortunately, they were persistent on getting my attention.

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