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"Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave even if you stumble a little on your way out the door."
-Mandy Hale

I only felt hurt. I felt betrayed. But most of all I felt like a fool. I don't know why I didn't listen to Logan. 

The music pounded through my head and people seemed to be crowding right in my path. I pushed everyone out of the way resulting in dirty looks and colourful words thrown at me. I looked back and spotted Eric looking for me, I fastened my pace. There was a slight buzz in my head after the alcoholic drinks I accepted from Eric. I wasn't one to drink. I wasn't one to get pressured easily either, but the desire for acceptance makes you someone that isn't you. 

Zoey was off partying with a girl named Louise who'd introduced her to a few other guys. I walked out of the house of the party to the front and shuffled through my purse for my phone. My mind was spinning and the urge to puke was horrid. 

Maybe this was the normal, but for me it was humiliating. It was degrading. God! I've never felt more stupid. I dialed mom's number. She answered almost instantly. Hearing my voice, she got worried, demanded to know what'd happened.

"Mom, everything was fine but he just changed- he was forcing me I didn't know what to do, I hit with a fricking lamp and ran. Now, I don't have a ride and I'm stuck at this party and I don't know what to do. Mom I'm so sorry I-"

"Okay, honey listen to me. I need you to get to a safe spot. Your father and I are coming to get you right now. Are you listening?"


"Text me the address and stay put." 

"Please come fast mom."

"We're coming. Call 911 if it's an emergency, okay?"

"Okay. Okay." I texted her the address. I'm going to be grounded for like ever for this. 

I was left waiting for the thirty minutes, but they didn't come. Horrible thoughts came to me in my horrible state. I blinked back tears. I called them. Over. And over. And then an hour passed by, I still didn't see them. I'd never see them again. They never came. 


Everything came back to me slowly and I inwardly cringed. What would Evans think of me? It all came back to me, the almost kiss, the punch... but my mind was stuck on the painting. I'd never be able to get that painting out of my head. It was beautiful, it was full of life, it was me. Those eyes had been mine, a reflection of me. 

Evans drove in silence but I noticed him sneaking peeks at me. I couldn't blame him. I was doing the same. Evans stopped in front of the Hale residence and looked over to me. "Want me to walk you?"

"It's okay, you've done enough. Thanks for the ride." I smiled. "Good night Evans." I say as I opened the door of his car.

"G'night Hazel." He said quietly but I caught it clear and loud. My heart skipped a beat and a goofy grin made its way on to my face. Dang, I was slow. My eyes are hazel, the painting... Mary had been talking about me. Oh my gosh, that meant he had a crush on me. Without hyperventilating, I tried to normally exit the car. I couldn't look back and so I closed the door and walked off to my house without turning.

I heard Alex drive away and I let go of the breath I was holding in. I can't wait to tell Zoey, she'd flip. I quietly opened up the door with my key and slipped in. I walked through the house hoping Dave wouldn't see me, but nothing really ever goes my way.

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