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  If music be the food of love, play on...

Summer evenings are absolutely amazing, it's not hot like the afternoons and people go out doing so many activities, such as going on a long walk. Logan and I walked through the neighborhood where we heard echoes of children playing, elderly people sitting out on their porches and young adults mowing their lawns with a frown. As we sucked on our orange and grape popsicles, we played I spy, which was entertaining, for a while.

"I spy something red."

"That door?" I replied bored.


"I'm bored." I whined.

"Wait I've got one more, I spy a whiny annoying dwarf." He said, eating up the rest of his Popsicle in one bite.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he just smirked. We kept walking in silence for the next five minutes, then suddenly I saw something that made my eyes go wide, "I spy a shirtless weirdo!"

"What?" Asked Logan confused.

I pointed to a half naked boy running through his front singing his lungs out to 'Eye of the tiger'. I recognized this boy from school, and turned to look at Logan's reaction. He looked highly amused and was trying to hold in his laugh.

So I did the natural thing any 14 year old  girl stumbling across an exquisite situation would do. I recorded it on my bright pink Nokia flip phone. By now I was giggling and Logan was guffawing. The boy was playing an air guitar and jumping up and down in his shorts. Abruptly, he stopped rocking out, noticing us watching his amusing show. He walked over towards us a little red, either from embarrassment or the extreme performance, his hair disheveled and messy.

"Hey," he nodded to Logan, a little breathless. Then he looked at me, and I mean really looked at me properly for the first time. He looked in to my eyes and that's when I saw the most beautiful pair of green gems. He just kept staring at me, and I couldn't stop looking at his eyes. After a couple of seconds, Logan cleared his throat, snapping me out of my trance and I instantly looked away.

"So ... cool taste in music." Logan stated awkwardly.

"Yeah, my parents are hardcore rock fans." He mumbled not looking away from my face. "You're Scarlett Devereaux."

"Yeah, I know you too, from school."

The boy never stopped staring at me, after giving me a weird expression, he looked away and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, well you're a nerd. And you're weird." He rolled his eyes taking two steps back.

I gaped at him. What the hell? Where did that come from?

"Well you're one to talk, I'm not the one prancing half naked in their yard." I snapped.

Beside me Logan coughed, his eyes darting between us. "So, uh, nice to meet you ..."

"Alex." He responded curtly, he pushed the hair falling over his eyes back. 

"Alex, see you around. My sister and I will head back now."

"Cool." He replied. He turned around and walked away without looking back. Little did he know that by the next day, his little stunt would be shared through a particular video throughout the school.


...So honey noww

Take me into your loving arms

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