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"It's dreadful what little things lead people to misunderstand people. "
-L.M Montgomery

Christmas dinner didn't take long to come around, and I wasn't ready. With the dinner came the closure of many things, Logan had finalized our tickets to New York, notified the school of my leave and decided to announce our goodbye that evening. And I was not ready.

"SCARLETT!" Logan hollered from downstairs. I was getting ready in Daniel's bathroom. Daniel is Logan's friend, co-hosting this dinner. Logan's been staying at his place while I've been staying at Zoey's.

"WHAT?" I yelled back, pushing in the last bobby pin in my hair. I looked at my reflection and saw my dirty blonde hair elegantly made in to a braided bun to go with my green dress.


I sighed and went down to find Logan icing the cake. I smiled a little seeing it, he'd always loved baking, like mom.

"You've finished the cake..."

"Yes," he replied.

"You said-"

"I lied, you know, because you were decorating yourself more than the Christmas tree."

"Whatever, Logan." I rolled my eyes. Logan's friend, Daniel, walked in.

"Just talked to dad, he'll be at my step mom's family 'til Tuesday. So, we have the house to ourselves for two more days," Daniel explained. "And Scarlett, you look stunning."

"Thanks," I mumbled, my antisocial instincts rising again. I've been on edge not seeing Evans for so long, how would I survive in New York.

Logan glared at Daniel, and he just returned a sheepish smile. The bell rang just as Logan was about to throw the icing spatula at Daniel.

"I'll get it," I quickly said, thankful to get out of the awkward situation.

I opened up and saw Zoey standing outside with Sam, a green gift box in her hand. They gave me a hug and entered.

Slowly, the rest of the guests started pouring in, even Blake. It had been an hour in to the party, yet no Evans. I felt myself panic a little, most of the guests were Logan's and Daniel's. Sam and Zoey disappeared to find a mistletoe and Blake went to chat with other people.

I picked up another glass left on the couch and sighed. That's when I heard his voice. I turned around and walked up to Logan who was shaking his hands with Evans.

"Hey," he smiled.

I smiled back, "Merry Christmas."

"Let me get some punch for us," Logan said.

"Merry Christmas, Hazel."

"Like my dress?"

"You look beautiful..." Fireworks went off in my stomach.

"But?" I asked, and he raised his eyes in question. "I know there's a but."

"I don't really like the colour green," he chuckled.

"I know. I remember. I also remember telling you I love it. And you asked why."

"You never said," he said.

"It's obvious. I think I fell in love with green when I saw your eyes." Evans blushed a little.

"Awww, are you blushing Evans?" I pinched his cheek.

"No," he swatted my hand away.

"Why do you hate it?" I asked.

Evans took a breath. "Ironically, same reason as you. I get my green eyes from my dad, he had brilliant green eyes once. My mom loved them too," he explained, trying to sound nonchalant. "As he got older, and became an asshole, his green eyes turned dull. Disgusting. He was an abusive drunk, Hazel."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"Yeah. Anyways, we have to talk, I know you're hiding something."

I frowned at the sudden topic change.

"I know-"

Logan appeared again, "Hey sorry guys but Scarlie, refill the punch for me please, I gotta go get more napkins from the pantry."

I nodded to Logan and he rushed off again. "Evans, I'll be right back, okay?"

"Alright," he said, sounding a little annoyed as I left. I found the punch in the fridge and quickly refilled the clear jugs in the kitchen.

Then I rushed back to the hall, and looked around for Evans, it hadn't even been five minutes.

I bumped in to Daniel, who looked a little dazed. I think some of Logan's friends brought alcohol with them.

"Sorry," I said still looking around.

"It's alright. Who are you looking for?" Daniel asked.

"Um, Evans."

"Oh, we were just talking. He seems pretty cool, but I don't know why he sort of seemed pissed when I talked about New York. Maybe he hated America."


"I mean I understand. Any country with a cheetoe for president is a shady place."

"What exactly did you say?" I asked, slowly.

"Well, he asked about where I studied since I'm here for the break and I told him I've gotten an internship with Logan, and that you're coming with me."

Shit. "I'm not going with you, first off. And second, do you mind staying away from my friends and I?" I said annoyed.

"Woah, I'm just joking Scarlett. And I didn't know you and Evans were serious until after he stormed off and Logan informed me," he said, putting his hands up a little.

"Excuse me," I said pushing past him, I couldn't believe this guy. He met me like a week ago and was already getting on my nerves.

"Wait, uh, Scarlet..."



I rushed off to look for Evans God know what he was thinking right now.

Ten minutes later, I stopped to ask Zoey or Blake, who didn't know where he went. Blake looked worried and I told him everything's fine. But it wasn't. After having a glass of water, to avoid passing out, I resumed my search.

I walked to the small room at the end of the hall, and I opened the door. He was there. But he wasn't alone.


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