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"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."
-Paulo Coelho

I'd like to think my Saturday was spent productively and it was very entertaining, so when Zoey demanded an explanation for ignoring her invite to a party, I told her I had great reasons for my rejection. I think I won our debate.

"I danced ... like a lot."


"Yeah yeah, it was, um, exhilarating. And I used Tumblr for like an hour, lot's of scrolling... reblogging." Which is a total lie, I had used Tumblr for 7 hours of my very productive day.

"Mhm, go on." She said sharply, I could imagine her face right now, she'd look ticked off but amused at once.

"And the best part of my day was the memes, I laughed at memes and I shared the treasured memes with my online friends." Specifically Bucky Barnes or Sebastian Stan memes. "And I watched Tangled again." Flynn Rider is husband material.

"You. Are. Unbelievable. That was your super awesome and productive day for which you blew me off?" Zoey screeched.

"Yes. That is correct." I say casually.

"You are becoming so anti-social, it is unhealthy. How will you find your Flynn Rider huh, Rapunzel had guts and went out, what're you doing in life?"

"Umm actually Rapunzel's locked in a tower for her entire life and Rider literally waltzed in to her room. And FYI I socialize with you and Sam and Bree and the pizza delivery guy-"

"Oh, stop comparing your life to a Disney movie, Scarlett." Wow, I'm not even going to say anything. "Listen, today I have to spend the day babysitting Miranda, but next Saturday we are going out. And I will not take any excuses."

"Okay whatever, sure. I've got to get my English essay done now." I mumble, to be honest, I was starting to feel a little down and a little isolated, a day out with Zoey would be best for me.

"Alrighty, you optimistic nerd, see you tomorrow. I'm picking you up, better be ready by eight." She sighed.

We ended the call with our goodbyes, and I put the phone down, determined to get my essay done, I pulled out my laptop and got typing away.

Around two hours later, I was still on my first paragraph. Let's just say I get distracted easily, and I did regret procrastinating but I found myself watching a video of a kitten crushing M&Ms under its cute little paws so that beat finishing the essay.

Finally, with a load of chocolate to keep me going and a load of B.S to reach the word count, I'd finished the essay a little before midnight. Relieved, I did my usual night time routine, and went to bed.


Monday's school day passed by with Zoey's constant chattering, boring classwork and me avoiding Evans which was difficult since he's in two of my four classes, thank you to whoever set my timetable up. Zoey kept telling me it's ridiculous what I was doing as I would inevitably have to face him in detention, which was true.

I was sitting in the detention room where the sign from yesterday had been noticably ripped off from the door, presumably by Ms. Harten. Evans sat in the back again and was playing some rock song loudly on his phone. Apparently, the emo chick found it hot and kept giving Alex looks, she looked constipated to me. That weird PDA couple were gone, I bet they'd only had one detention for making out or passing notes or some weird couple thing like that. Another few students lingered in the back who looked like they couldn't care enough to tell Evans to shut his annoying music off.

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