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"The whole world can become the enemy when you lose what you love."
-Christina McMorris


"Scarlett told me about you guys." Eric said, breathing heavy. I could feel my lip throbbing in pain, the blood trickled down. One minute I'm walking to my car after the party, and the other Eric swings a punch at me.

"I don't know what you're fuckin' talking about!" I yell, wiping the blood off my face. Our scuffle attracts the attention of teens leaving the party, all crowding around slowly.

"I know Alexander, I saw the way you looked at her, don't lie to me." He grabbed my collar, getting ready to swing another punch. I pushed him off, getting ready to defend myself.

"Stop this Eric, you've misunderstood." I try to reason with him.

"SHE TOLD ME! DON'T FUCKING LIE." He tries to attack me again, but I punch him in the nose with full force, my adrenaline running high. Eric stumbled back grabbing his nose and he bends over in pain.

He stayed down for a minute or two, then stood up calmly. "Well looks like you can have her because I'm done. I've dumped the cheating bitch."

And even though I was confused as hell and angry at Scarlett, I was blinded in rage when he'd said that, I gave him a final blow to the stomach and walked away from the scene.


Maybe I should talk to her. Why would Scarlett take my name, if she was cheating, why would she lie about it? 

Was this another childish prank to her?

People were already talking about the whole affair, about heartbroken Eric and about his cheating girlfriend. People sympathized with me too, believing Scarlett lied to me too and some believing I'd never betray Eric and the whole thing was untrue.

I'd decided I'd confront her, talk to her. Only, she didn't show up to school for the next two weeks.


Scarlett's back. She's looks different, lifeless, emotionless, almost like a zombie. She stopped smiling or talking, she'd just work and follow her one friend around. I didn't confront her, I ignored her. I didn't approach her, I avoided her. We'd never talked before, but we'd always teased each other, pranked each other.

Now she looks at me and looks away , her hazel eyes looked dull, not curious like they usually were.

Eric and I talked it out since we're team mates but we probably won't go back to being good friends. Everything was back to normal, like it never happened, it was all a blur.

Even after the resolve, nothing added up. Nothing made sense.


Tiffany, or was it Melanie, talked a lot. One flirty wave was all it took for me to walk up to her. I felt my pocket vibrating and ignored it but it kept ringing. I pulled it out, seeing Scarlett's name flash up.

Tiffany or Melanie went on about how beaches would always ruin her pedicure. "Wow that's so interesting. So hey, I think I actually left someone behind, I've got to go find her." I flash her a sheepish smile and walk away from. 

Scarlett owes me big time, I just ditched a major babe for her. I looked back down at my phone and noticed a text.

'Where r u? Zoey's busy, I want to go home. At the stalls. Come fast.'

I made my way past the dance floor where I spotted Zoey and Sam exiting holding hands. "Zoey!" I called out, running over to her. "Hey, Zoey!"

She turned around and stopped, "Alex?"

"Have you seen Scarlett?" I panted, "Why aren't you with her?"

"Um, I thought you'd be with her, and do you see this guy?" I looked over at Sam who looked dazed and tired.

"Alright I'll catch you later!" I yelled out as I rushed away again, towards the stalls.

"Wait Alex, what happened?" Zoey yelled out after me, but I didn't stop to reply. Oh come on, where is she?

As I got towards the stalls I heard a scream from the ladies room and the doorknob was twisting around, but the door didn't open.

"Scarlett?" I yelled out through the door. I didn't hear a reply and started freaking out.

"EVANS!" Scarlett's voice came from inside.

"SCARLETT?" I didn't get a reply.

Taking all my strength I used my body to slam against the door in an effort to open it. It wasn't working. Desperately, I asked a guy nearby to help me out and together we slammed against the door, breaking the lock. 

I pushed open the door, then clenched my fists, for what I saw made me lose all sense of mind but blinding rage.


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