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  "We accept the love we think we deserve."
-Stephen Chbosky

Waking up at four am has it's advantages, it gives you plenty of time to get ready for school and being the major procrastinator I am, I even got to waste time watching an episode or two of my favourite shows. Evans' invitation hadn't gotten off my mind since yesterday, I was a little anxious too, I didn't know what for, I mean it wasn't like a date or anything. At 5.30, I got up to get dressed. I have plenty of clothes thanks to Bree, but nothing seemed to please me today. After a frustrating thirty minutes, I finally choose black skinny jeans, a dark maroon fitting top, and a grey leather jacket to go over it, then topped it off with a grey scarf. It was casual yet chic at once, and appropriate for the cold weather.

I'm not always so picky about my outfit, but today I just felt like styling my outfit a little better. Pulling my hair in a loose pony, I pulled on some cute little boots (boots are my aesthetic), then went down to eat some cereal.

After a while, I realized it's already eight and Zoey hadn't arrived, and she was always scolding me about my slow mornings.

Bree offered me a car a few times, when I refused because I didn't want her to pay for everything and that'd make me spoiled. She also advised I get a part time job and pay her off slowly but I just couldn't think about getting in a car, I just didn't like driving, especially with our Canadian winters' driving conditions.

As Zoey finally pulled up, I locked up the house and got in her blue Chevrolet, and she greeted me with a grumble. "Worst morning ever, I had an essay, a test and a presentation to work on last night. Also, Sam and I were totally hanging last weekend and he said he wanted to meet my parents." She rambled. "Like I'm nervous, he's really sweet an-"

"Zoey, that's great! Sam's a great guy and if anyone's going to meet your parents it should be him." I grabbed a granola bar lying around her dashboard, opened it up and took a huge bite out of it.

"Yeah. Yeah I think that's good." She honked at a car in front of us, "HOW ABOUT WE ACTUALLY DRIVE THE CAR OLD MAN!"

"Zo, let's not kill anyone today." I said with a full mouth.

"Well oldie over there is driving like my grandma, AND SHE'S DEAD."

"Wow... bad morning?" She just sighed in reply.

 I finally popped the question. "Are you free at lunch?"


"Well, Evans wants us to hang with him." I mumble.

"Wait back up, did you say Evans?" We pulled in to the school parking lot, and Zoey peered out the window looking for a spot.


"The Alexander Evans that was a total asshole to you last year. The one who you've been stuck in detention with. The one you've complained about since we were 14. That Evans?" She started parking the car.

"Yes Zo, he sort of apologized and wants us to be friends."

"And you forgave him?" The car died as she pulled the keys out of the ignition and raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged.

"Well, maybe he's sincere, but I already made plans with Sam, I can't come." She replied.

"Oh, okay I guess. I'll just tell him no then."

"Why? You could go, it's just lunch and he'll have his friends there so it won't be awkward I guess."

"If anything that's even more awkward, Zoey." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the car, as Zoey locked it up.

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