Prompt 20

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Hey hey hey everyone! Finally we've reached prompt 20, AND 2K reads. Waaaat? Yes, you read that right! So glad you guys are enjoying this prompt book. (Don't forget, we post contests for writers of all ages and writing styles!)

Okay okay, onto the prompt;
*Announcer's voice*: Brought to you by... TheCouch
One character of your choice suddenly became incredibly popular unintentionally. The change is almost overnight, and everyone wants to be this character's best friend.
Of course, real bestie has been pushed off to the side. It's your decision (depending on if you're using an existing fandom or original characters) how the newly popular character takes this all in.
Do they have the power all go to their head? Transform into a selfish, dictating narcissist? Maybe they are overwhelmed and confused how to behave. Or perhaps they take everything in stride, only to make their real best friend uncomfortable from the stalking crowd?
Don't forget, relationships are important. If you make your character completely fine with being popular, obviously you have to throw some conflict in there with their close friends and family. Conflict and struggles can be a good thing in a writer's case.

Good luck with writing!

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