Prompt 19

74 15 2

Hey, guys! It's Toy Bonnie's Bitch! Or you can just call me Grey. This prompt is a bit late, but here it is!

This is an OTP prompt. So. Person A is at home, doing...well, you pick. Use your imagination. Anyway, Person A is home alone doing something, when Person B suddenly stumbles through the door, and they're very very drunk. 

What happens next is up to you. You pick the characters and fandom.

Have fun! Yes, I know this is short, but in my defense, this is my first prompt. XD I'll put an awesome song up there to make up for it. Nah, I'd probs get yelled at.

Anyway, that's all for today, folks! I'll be here all week.

I've got stuff and things to do,

Grey <3 *~*

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