Chapter One

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Lorena paced around anxiously waiting for her brothers return. It's been weeks since she last saw Jack and she's worried about him. Will Turner was a thing of her past, she thought he loved her but he is nothing more than a liar and a heart breaker to her. He left her out of the blue and never came back. She'll never forgive him for what he's done, she cried for days having Jack comfort her and mutter things about how to kill him.
"Fifteen men on a dead man's chest,
yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum Drink and devil had done for the
rest ... yo-ho-ho and a bottle rum! By God Lorena what ye be doing up and about this late at night?" Gibbs asks as he was off balance with a bottle of rum in his hand.
"I miss Jack i can't sleep without knowing my brother is safe,"
"Oh Lassie he's captain Jack Sparrow he always knows a way out, and what of you? Why didn't he take ya along?"
"Said it was to dangerous for me to go, said he didn't want me to get killed or get violated again so he made me stay here through out many of my protests of doing so,"
"Well he ain't wrong, he cares about ya lassie your the only family he got left,"
"Dad's still around...... Somewhere at least," she replied as she saw a bird hitting it's beak at a coffin over and over again until a loud shot rang out causing Lorena to gasp as Jack came out of the coffin.
"JACKIE!" She shouted excited to see her brother.
"Sorry mate," he says breaking a skeletons bone leg using it to row back to the ship. "Do you mind if we make a little side trip? I didn't think so,"
Lorena went to help Jack up once he reached the Pearl but all she received is a boned leg as she rolls her eyes before passing it on to Gibbs.
"JACK SPARROW!" She shouted anger glaring in her as she slapped him when he was on board.
"LORENA!" He shouted anger coming through but softened when he saw tears coming out of her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Lorena, is this abour Will again?"
"No you idiot it's about you! How could you not take me with you? You could of dies in there! Then what am I supposed to do without you?"
"Oh," he says guilt washing on his face as she let go.
"Oh? All you can say is-"
"Not quite according to plan?" Gibbs asked Jack interrupting Lorena's ranting causing her to cross her arms.
"Complications arose, ensued, were overcome," Jack walks towards the helm as Lorena followed after him.
"Not done with you yet Jackie,"
"Sis, I love you a lot but sometimes you are extremely annoying,"
"Only because I love you and worry about you i haven't slept because I was scared you'd never come back and I would never get to say goodbye or that I love you for the last time I'm scared Jack okay I don't want to lose you," Lorena confessed before Jack sighed.
"You got what you went in for, then?" Gibbs asked from behind before Jack replied to Lorena.
"Muhuh," Jack says smiling as he waved out a piece of cloth causing Lorena to gasp as she grabbes it from him causing him to pout as her eyes widen as she looked at a drawing of a key. She recognized this key as it was Davy Jones' key. Before she could ask questions Jack snatched the cloth back from her.
"Captain, first mate, I think the crew meaning me, as well were expecting something a bit more, Gibbs paused as he shakes his hands at chest level as if visualizing shiny. "What with the Isla de Muerta going all pear-shapes, reclaimed by the sea and the treasure with it,"
"And the royal navy chasing us across the Atlantic," a pirate mentioned as both Lorena and Jack looked around the crew.
"And the hurricane!" Marty says as everyone agrees with him accept the two siblings.
"All in all, it seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating,"
"Shiny?" Lorena asks crossing her arms.
"Aye shiny lass you seem to know what was on that cloth,"
"Is that how you're all feeling, then? Perhaps my dear ol' brother is not serving your best interests as Captain? Am I not fit for first mate either than? I'll have you know my brother is the best Captain you'll ever have! You greedy piece of shit called pirates not a single one of ye serves best fit as captain accept for my brother,"
"Awk, walk the plank," the bird says as Lorena gasps when Cotton placed a hand on the birds beak.
"What did the bird say about my sister?" Jack asked cocking his pistol aiming it at the bird.
"Do not blame the bird. Show us, what is on that piece of cloth there," a pirate said as everyone looks pointedly at the roll of cloth in Jack's hand before the moment is broken by Barbossa's undead monkey dropping down in front of Jack and taking the cloth; it manages to run a bit before Jack shoots it and it drops the cloth.
"You know that don't do no good," Gibbs pointed out.
"It does me," Jack respond as Lorena rolled her eyes.

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