Chapter Eight

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"Literally or figuratively?" Ragetti asked with a raised eyebrow.
"He couldn't literally put his heart in a chest! Could he?"
"It was not wort' feeling what... small fleeting joy life brings, and so... he carved out him heart, lock it away in a chest, and hide de chest from de world. De keys, he keep wid him at all times,"
"You both knew this!" Will accused looking at the two siblings.
Lorena scoffed crossing her arms glaring at Will.
"We did not. We didn't know where the key was. But now we do. So all that's left is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab the key, you go back to Port Royal and save your bonnie lass!" Lorena spit out while glaring at him.
"Lorena, Elizabeth doesn't matter to me like you do how many times do I have to tell you this? I love you and only you!"
"I'll believe it once you suffered the pain I have after you left me,"
"Let me see both of your hands," Tia says as Lorena turned to face her.
Jack and Lorena shows their right hand is untouched, but Tia unwraps the bandage on Jack's left hand first then Lorena as the black spot on Jack and Lorena's  left hand is revealed. Will's eyes widened at this.
"Why didn't you tell me of this Lorena? I could lose you!"
"How was I supposed to know you'd come back? If you stick around maybe I would have!"
"Uhhh! The black spot two of them?" Gibbs shouted as he quickly wipes his hands on his chest, spins around once to the left, and spits.
"Black spots!"
"Black spots!" Gibbs, Pintel, and Ragetti shouts while doing the ritual.
"Our eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know," Jack called back causing Lorena to grin.
pushing aside cloth door beads, Tia goes into a back room, and searches for something. Jack steals a ring off of one of Tia's tables he also takes Lorena's ring as he gave it back to hee, beside the ring is a silver locket.
"Jack why'd you give this back to me?" Lorena asks putting the ring back on her finger.
"Because I know how much it meant to you little sis," he says causing her to smile.
Tia comes back with an object from the back room.
"Davy Jones cannot make port. Cannot step on land but once every ten years. Land is where you two are safe, Jack and Lorena Sparrow. And so you two will carry land wid you," she says handing Jack a jar of dirt.
"Dirt.... This is a jar of dirt your handing both of us?" Lorena asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Huh?" They both asked at the same time.
"Lorena if you'd stay for a minute I need a word with you," she says causing Jack to look ag his sister.
"Hush Jack, I won't harm her she's in good hands,"
"It seems we have a need to find the Flying Dutchman," Will says as Lorena glanced at him but looked away as he looked at her.
Tia is sitting, she holds several crab shells between her cupped hands and closes her eyes.
"A touch of destiny," she says as Tia throws the crab claws down on the table.
Everyone began leaving but Lorena and Will he moved behind her putting his hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch as she wipped around to look at him.
"It's just me.... Are you alright?"
"I'm fine it's not like you'd care anyways,"
"Lorena.... You know how much I love you? I love you more than the world itself I'd go across the seven seas just for you,"
"You shouldn't have left,"
"I wasn't ready to become a pirate Lorena how many times do I have to tell you?"
"It's the fact that you went back for Elizabeth Swann when I gave you everything I had. Will I thought what we had was special,"
"And it still is. I never stopped thinking about you, you were constantly on my mind every second of the day I never loved Elizabeth, maybe at one point but it's not like how I love you. Your someone special to me please Lorena I'm begging you to take me back. I promise to never leave your side again,"
"That's a lot to promise William. I'll have to think about it," she says as Will sighed and kissed her forehead.
"I'll always love you, no matter what," he told her before leaving.
When Lorena turned back around Tia was standing there shaking hee head.
"Ye should give him another chance Lorena ye still love him,"
"I know but it's hard to forgive somebody who left you and didn't say anything, but what am I here for?"
"I didn't want to tell Jack because he wouldnt like where it was headed but in thy future I see yer death Lorena,"
"Yeah by the Kraken right?"
"Not just the Kraken.... Davy Jones your touch of destiny lies with William Turner,"
"I don't understand..... Why would Davy be after me?"
"You are Jack's only weakness Lorena and he will take advantage of that,"
"I have to tell Jack and-"
"No. Jack wouldn't handle the truth,"
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Afraid not your fate is sealed,”
Lorena nodded as she went to hug Tia Dalma.
"Thank you Tia for a heads up,"
"Anything for ya Lorena we shall go now,"
"That's the flying Dutchman? She doesn't look like much," Will says as the group looked at the wreckage ship.
"Neither do you and yet my sister still dated you, do not underestimate her,"
"Jack," Lorena says rolling her eyes as he hit Gibbs on the side.
"Must've run afoul of the reef,"
"So what's your plan then?" Both siblings asked together looking at Will as he raised an eyebrow.
"I row over, search the ship until I find both your bloody key,"
"And if there are crewman?"
"I'll cut down anyone in my path," Will says causing Lorena to gasp.
"I like it. Simple easy to remember,"
"William you can't do this alone," Lorena says getting out from behind Jack as she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm not letting you go in alone,"
"I have to Lorena. I'm doing this for your safety, you'll always be in my heart if I don't make it out alive," Will says as there foreheads touched together.
"I'm going with you Will,"
"What? No your not," Jack says cutting in on the conversation.
"He's right your not,"
"Who are you to stop me? I'll fight both of you I'm going weather anyone likes it or not,"
"Jack please I love him he's not facing Davy alone,"
"Lorena your my only weakness and if you go who knows what Davy will do to you because your related to me,"
"As long as I'm with Will none of that matters please Jack let me go,"
"Please, I'll be fine I know how to handle myself," she says causing Jack to smile as he pulled his sister into him wrapping his arms around her.
"Just don't get hurt I love you,"
"I love you too big brother. So much we won't be apart for long I promise,"
"Just be careful,”
"I will," she says letting go of the hug and walking with Will into the long boat.
"Your chariot awaits you both! Ha, ha-ha-ha, ha-ha!" Ragetti laughed.
"Hey Turner make sure nothing happens to my baby sister or your heads going on my wall! Please be careful Lorena!" He called out as he had a look of worry on his face.
"Why did you come?"
"Because I wasn't going to leave you,"
"I thought you hated me?"
"And that's the thing, I could never hate you no matter how much you hurt me. I love you Will nothing's going to change that,"
"And I love you Lorena can't you see that? Please forgive me,"
"I already have," she whispers before pulling her lips on hers.

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