Chapter Seven

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The group were in two longboats going towards a swampy area as Lorena was with Jack as Will was looking at her with longing eyes as she held onto her brother.
"Why is Jack and Lorena afraid of the open water? I've never seen her so scared before,"
"Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones. A fearsome creature with giant tentacles that suction your face clean off. And drag an entire ship past the crushing darkness. The Kraken!" He begins as Marty turns around at mention of the word, Pintel and Ragetti look at each other.
"They say the stench of its breath is like - ooh! Imagine the last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the Kraken, and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses. If you believe such things,"
"And the key will spare him that? Is Lorena affected by it as well?"
"Seems like it, Now that's the very question both of them wants answered. Bad enough even to go visit... Her,"
"Her?" Will asked curious as he looks back at Lorena as she was talking to Jack about something before she looked back at him and looked away.
Will sighed.
"Aye. Son ye need to stop worrying about Lorena she'll come around to ya did she give that chance to talk?"
"I have to prove to her that I still love her and I won't leave again. If this key is the answer to regain her love for me, I'll gladly take the chance,"
"The key isn't always the answer son. The answer is trust and loyalty as well,"
The group made it out to the long boat as they could see people watching them beyond the trees.
" No worries, mates. Tia Dalma my sister and I  go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable we are. Were. Have been. Before," Jack says unsure of himself as Lorena rolled her eyes.
"I won't be surprised if she slaps you big brother,"
"I'll watch your back," Gibbs offered.
"It's me front I'm worried about. Mind the boat,"
"Mind the boat," Lorena told Gibbs while following her brother inside.
Gibbs told Will as Will told Pintel as Pintel told Marty to and Marty told Cotton's Parrot as Cotton sat down alone in the long boat. Jack and Lorena cautiously enter's Tia's shack, pushing the door open slowly with Lorena behind him. Near the inside of the shack door hangs a live snake, moving slowly as Lorena clutched onto Jack's arm. Lorena hated snakes she was more afraid of them than the Kraken that's out to eat her and her brother. Tia is sitting at a table, looks up from her crab claws, sees Jack and Lorena in the doorway.
"Jack and Lorena Sparrow!" Tia Dalma says excitement in her voice.
"Tia Dalma!" The two said in unison causing Tia to smile as she went to hug Lorena.
"I always know de wind was goin' blow you two back to me one day," she says before seeing Will at the doorway as she went over to him.
"You. You have a touch of... destiny about you, William Turner with.... Lorena Sparrow," she says poking him on the chest causing Lorena to glare at her.
"You know me?" Will asked amusement in his eyes as Tia touched his face.
"You want to know me," she said with a smile and a flirty look as Lorena marched over to them before Jack could stop her.
"Hey hands off my man," she growled causing Will to look at her with even more amused eyes as she slapped her hand off his face and stood in front of him. "Will Turner belongs to me go find your own,"
"I belong to you again? I thought we-"
"Don't push it Turner, I still haven't fully forgiven you but it doesn't mean any girl can go flirting around and touchy touchy with you as long as I'm around you belong to me got that?" She asked grabbing onto his shirt pulling him towards her as she moved towards his lips as Will closed his eyes. Will moaned when  Lorena bit his lip before pulling away as Will whined at the loss.
"That was it?" He couldn't help but ask.
"You get more when you earn my trust Turner,"
"There will be no trusting or Knowing here. My sister and I have come for help and were not leaving without it," Jack says pulling his sister away from Will as he looked over at Tia Dalma.
"I thought I knew you,"
"Not so well as I had hoped. Come,"
"Come," Jack told Lorena grabbing her hand as they followed her to the back.
"What service may I do hmmm? You two know I demand payment from each of you,"
Lorena rolled her eyes as she pulled off a golden ring she had stolen from a man in Tortuga a long time ago.
"Here it's real gold," she says handing it to her as she nodded.
"I brought payment," he says as he whistles once, a crewmember brings in the monkey in a cage. "Look!" Jack began as he cocks his pistol, shoots the monkey, the bullet has no effect, but the monkey chatters in fright. "An undead monkey top that!"
Tia lifts the cage door as the monkey scampers off.
"No! You've no idea how long it took us to catch that," Gibbs complained sighing.
"Both of your payments are fair," Tia said after inspecting Lorena's golden ring.
"We're looking for this and where it goes to," Jack says pulling out the cloth of the key.
"The Compass you bartered from me. It cannot lead you to dis?" She asked looking between the two siblings.
"Maybe why?" They both asked causing them to look at each other before back to Tia Dalma.
"Ayeee... Jack and Lorena Sparrow does not know what they wants! Or... do know, but are loathe to claim it as your own," Tia says ending the sentence with looking at Lorena and Will as the two caught eyes of longing with each other. "Your key go to a chest, and it is what lay inside the chest you seek, don't it?"
"What is inside it?" Gibbs asked curious.
"Gold? Jewels? Unclaimed properties of valuable nature?" Pintel asked getting excited.
"Nothing bad I hope," Ragetti says to his friend.
"You know of... Davy Jones, yes? A man of de sea. A great sailor, until he ran afoul of dat which vex all men,"
"What Vexes all men?"
"What indeed?" Tia asks getting Will a flirty look again causing Lorena to growl loudly as she ignored it.
"The sea?"
"Dichotomy of good and evil?"
"A woman," Jack answered figuring it out.
"A woman he fell in love with. Much like how Will and Lorena are in love now even with one of them being angry at the other,"
"No-no-no-no, I heard it was the sea he fell in love with,"
"Same story, different versions, and all are true. See, it was a woman, as changing, and harsh, and untamable as the sea. Him never stopped loving her. But the pain it cause 'im was too much to live wid. But not enough to cause him to die,"
"What exactly did he put in that Chest?" Will asked curious as Tia Dalma put a hand on her breast.
"Him heart," she says causing a Chill to run down Lorena's spine.

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