Chapter Fifteen

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Lorena sat with Will as his head was on her lap.
"Oh Will, why don't you wake up? Please," Lorena said with a tear in her eye causing it to fall on Will's face.
As if on que Will began opening his eyes.
"Lorena, my love what happened to the chest?" He asked placing a hand on her cheek.
"Norrington took it to draw them off. He also took Elizabeth with him,"
"What? Elizabeth has gone with?"
"Yes she has are you upset by it?"
"No of course not I have you all to myself now,"
"Lorena dear, sorry to break the said romance but I need you here," Jack said causing Lorena to roll her eyes.
Will got up from Lorena's lap as he kissed her causing her to close her eyes and kiss him back. Lorena was the first to pull away.
"Duty calls," Lorena said as Will kissed her on the head.
"I'll be here,"
When Lorena reached Jack at the deck she was gonna say something but Gibbs beat her to it.
"Where's the commodore and Elizabeth?"
"They both fell behind," Lorena answered while glaring at Jack for ruining her romance with Will.
"My prayers be with them. Best not wallow in our grief. The bright side is You're both back. And made it off free and clear,"
As soon as Gibbs said that the flying Dutchman emerged from the water causing Lorena's eyes to grow wide.
"Lord Almighty," Gibbs said as Davy Jones was looking at the two siblings but mainly at Lorena.
"I'll handle this mate," Jack began. "Hey! Fishface! Quit looking at my sister! Lose something hey? Oof," Jack said as he fell down the stairs with the jar in his hand.
"JACKIE!" Lorena shouted as everyone else said 'ooh'.
"Got it," Jack said as he got back up with the jar of dirt in his hands.
"Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?" He said causing Lorena to slap her forehead and shake her head.
"JUST SO YOU KNOW I AM NOT RELATED TO JACK SPARROW!" Lorena shouted loud enough for the Dutchman crew to hear.
"ENOUGH!" He shouted as the Flying Dutchman's cannon covers slide down as cannons emerge from the holes.
Jack slowly raised the jar down as he turned back to his sister.
"Hard to starboard?"
"HARD TO STARBOARD!" Lorena shouted at the crew.
a heavy cannonade fires from the Flying Dutchman, blowing large holes in the Black Pearl. Pintel and Ragetti look through the gaping hole in the stern, see the Flying Dutchman following them.
"SHES FALLING BEHIND!" Lorena screamed out causing the crew to cheer with her as the flying Dutchman got further away.
Will ran up to Lorena and quickly gave her a victory kiss.
"Aye, and we've got her,"
"Were the faster?" Will asks pulling away from the kiss as he wrapped an arm around Lorena.
"Against the wind the Dutchman beats us. That's how she takes her prey. But with the wind-"
"We rob her advantage,"
"My father is on that ship. If we can outrun her, we can take her. We should turn and fight," Will says as Lorena was dragged behind him while he held her hand as the two walked towards Jack.
"Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs... is the proper leverage," Jack responded while holding the dirt causing his sister to roll her eyes.
The pearl jerked forwards causing Jack to drop towards the deck as he ran down the deck to search for it.
"You okay?" Will asked concerned for his girlfriend.
"Yeah I think so,"
"We've must of hit a reef!" Jack said as Lorena left Will's side and went over to the rail.
"No. It's not a reef! Get away from the rail!" Will shouted running to his girlfriend and pulling her away.
"What is it?"
"The Kraken. To arms!"
"All guns, defend the masts!"
"It'll attack the starboard. I've seen it before. Break out the cannons and hold for my signal," with a deep rumbling sound, the Kraken's tentacles slowly crawl up the hull.
"Easy, boys!"
"Will?" Lorena asked panicked as the tentacles rise higher.
"Steady! Steady."
the tentacles start feeling around the ship.
"Hold. Hold..."
"I think we've held fire long enough!"
The crew including Lorena fire the cannons, hitting the tentacles and nearly severing some. The Kraken sinks into the sea, some tentacles glowing from the blast. '"It'll be back. We have to get off the ship,"
"There's no boats," Lorena mentioned as Will sees the wrecked boats, then sets his eyes on the barrels of gunpowder. "Pull the grates! Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold,"
Will handed Lorena a long gun. "Whatever you do, don't miss love," he said kissing her on the head. 
"William, your forgetting I'm a pirate," Lorena said smirking giving him a quick kiss.
Meanwhile, the crew is busy loading barrels of gunpowder from the hold.
"We are short stocked on gunpowder. Six barrel below. Bring it up!"
"There's only half a dozen kegs of powder!" 
"Then load the rum!"
Gibbs seems shocked, then turns to see the entire crew halted, staring at him in shocked silence.  "Aye! The rum, too!"
The crew continues loading. Jack is in a rowboat alone, rowing away from the Black Pearl without his sister. Jack stops rowing, sees the Kraken with tentacles around Black Pearl in the distance. Jack looks back into the direction he's headed, then consults his Compass. He feels bad for not bringing Lorena along but he wanted her safe and he figured that if he left the Kraken will follow suite leaving his sister alone. 
"Step to!" Lorena says as she runs to the railing, sees Jack rowing away.
Another heavy thud hits the ship, making Lorena stop her ranting. The Kraken attacks again.
"Pull away!"
"Heave! Heave like you're being paid for it!"
Pintel & Ragetti stand to one side of a cannon port as a tentacle pulls one crewmember through sideways. Will hangs onto the side of the net of gunpowder barrels, attempting to attract the Kraken's attention.
"Euh! Come on!I'm over here! Come on!" Will slashes at tentacles with his sword. "Shoot! Lorena, shoot!" Lorena was going to shoot at the barrels, but one of the Kraken's tentacles wrap around her leg and drag her backwards, she screams. Ragetti chops off the end of the tentacle holding Lorena causing her to nod at the two as a thanks. Another crewmember picks up the rifle and attempts to shoot, only to be grabbed by the Kraken and flung around. The rifle drops onto the deck above Lorena. Lorena crawls to the rifle as she tries to pick up the fallen rifle, but someone's foot holds it down. Her eyes widened as she sees that it's Jack's foot, that he has returned to the Pearl. Jack picks up the rifle and takes aim at the gunpowder. The ball whistles through the air, strikes the gunpowder, which explodes. The Kraken releases its hold, burned tentacles withdraw into the ocean, groaning sound.
"Did we kill it?"
"No. We just made it angry. We're not out of this yet. Captain! First mate! Orders?!"
"Abandon ship. Into the longboat. And that includes you Jackie," "Lorena The Pearl!"
"She's only a ship, mate,"
"Lorena who are you to call the shots? I'm not leaving without you,"
"Jack you left without me the first time and it's best if you go to the long boat before I slap you to death,"
"She's  right, we have to head for land," Jack said after a sigh of defeat.
"'S a lot o' open wa'er,"
"That's a lot o' wa'er,"
"We have to try. We can get away as it takes down the Pearl," "Abandon ship. Abandon ship or abandon hope,"
The crew get ready to leave the Pearl, loading supplies and guns Lorena went to say goodbye to the Pearl when Jack approached her.
"Thank you, sis,"
We're not free yet, and your not free from that slap I talked about now go I want alone time with the ship,"
"And you don't think I deserve some alone time with her?"
"You had alone time when you abandoned her now go I'll be there soon,"
Jack sighed as he did as told and went down into the long boat. "Love are you coming anytime soon?" Will asked as he noticed that she was the only one left.
"Oh yes it's just.... The ship and I have so many memories especially with my brother,"
"I'm sure you two will get another one," Will says as Will passionately kisses Lorena.
Lorena moaned when Will pushed her back up against the mast.
The kiss is inturrupted by the sound of shackles, Will  has chained his lover to the main mast.
"It's after you both of you, not the ship but I figured that if you gave up maybe it'll spare Jack's life two for the price of one. This is the only way, don't you see? I love you Lorena but it's the only way for us to move on," Will leans in as if to kiss her again.
"William I thought I loved you," she whispers as Will leaves Lorena and climbs down into the long boat.
"Where's Lorena?" Jack asked the welp looking worried.
"She elected to stay behind to give us a chance. She thought maybe if she sacrificed herself it'll save you," he responded as the crew look uncertain.
"STOP HIM!" Will shouted as the crew grabbed Jack from getting back on the ship.
Lorena struggles with her manacles upset and betrayed by Will Turner as she heard Jack's cries. 
"Bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger! I'm going to kill Will the next I see him I swear!"
A coconut and cannonball roll by, on the tilted deck. Lorena spots a fallen lantern, picks it up with the tip of her sword. Lorena breaks the lantern against the mast, pours oil over her wrists. Lorena struggles with slipping her hand out.
"Come on... Come on..."
Lorena finally manages to slip her hands out. The Kraken rises up behind her. Lorena halts, turns around, faces the Kraken.
The Kraken roars, spraying Lorena with slime and flinging her earlier-eaten hat to the deck.
"EWWW!" Lorena shouts spitting the slime out her mouth.
Lorena spots her old hat lying next to her feet.
"Oh! My hat that my brother gave me," Lorena spots her hat, picks it up, puts it on, wipes slime from her face.
"Jack, I just want you to know that I love you and I'm sorry. Hello beastie," Lorena said as she could still hear Jack's cries from the longboat that's gotten farther and farther away.
Lorena held out her sword as she was charging at the beast using every bit of streangth she had left.
Jack didn't know what to think as the crew made it at Tia Dalma's. His sister was dead, the black spot was gone from his hand. Millions had shown up to Lorena a funeral, mostly because she was Jack's sister and Jack was the one grieving the hardest. If positions were reversed Jack wouldn't be where he stands. Jack has to get his little sister back, even if it means traveling to the end of the world.
A/n: OKAY SO THATS IT!!!!!!!!!! How do you guys like the positions reversed? Was it good? Bad? Or surprising? The third book should be up after Christmas but leave your comments cause I like the ending, it's different from the others. Anyways thanks for the love/ support!  Love you guys!

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