Chapter Ten

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Jack, Gibbs, and Lorena were at Tortuga trying to get many sailors as they can to join. Lorena was sitting next to Jack as
Jack is sitting alongside a wall, within earshot of Gibbs' table, trying to make his Compass work.
"I know what I want," Jack mumbled as he shook his compas but it only kept spinning he looked towards his sister who was staring off into space.
"Lorena everything alright?"
"No, I just miss William. I should have stayed,"
"But then Jones would have used you in ways I dont want to relive again,"
Lorena frowned as he was talking about Barbossa. She remembers those horrible times with him until a loud voice coming from Gibbs startled her.
"Ever since I was a little lad, I've always wanted to sail the seas. Forever,"
"Sooner than you think. Sign the roster,"
"Thanks very much,"
"How we doing?" Jack asked Gibbs.
"Including those four.... Four," he said causing Jack to sigh as he looked over at his sister.
"Lorena dear what do you want most?"
"William Turner,"
"Are you certain? Are you sure that's what you want?"
"Yes more than anything,"
Before Jack could say anything else him and Lorena looked to see a familiar man come up to Gibbs.
"And what's your story?"
"My story... it's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the Seven Seas. The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life.,"
"Commodore?" Gibbs asked shock on his face.
"No, not anymore, weren't you listening? I nearly had you all, off Tripoli. I would have, if not for the... hurricane."
"Lord. You didn't try to sail through it?"
"So do I make your crew, or not? You haven't said where you're going. Somewhere nice!" He says flipping the table over as Jack quietly grabbed Lorena's hand and  grabs a branch from a vase, with the other carries it in front of his face, attempts to walk out unseen with Lorena behind him.
Norrington spots Jack and Lorena as he pointed his pistol at both of them.
"Or should I just kill you both now?"
Jack and Lorena ducks back and forth behind both sides of a large post, as Norrington points his pistol at the two siblings first he aimed towards Jack's head then he slowly aimed towards Lorena's head.
"You know Sparrow, since your sister is your only weakness maybe I should kill her first to see you suffer then I'll kill you so you can join her,"
"You're hired," Jack immediately says narrowing his eyes at Norrington.
"Sorry. Old habits and all that,"
Someone puts a hand on Norrington's arm.
"Easy Sonny no need to kill the lassie, or the captain,"
someone deflects Norrington's pistol upwards as it fires. The ball richochets off the chandelier, breaking a man's bottle as he's drinking from it. The man whose bottle broke slugs a man next to him the music starts back up as a brawl ensues. One man swings from chandelier, women fight, bottles are thrown against the wall, as the whole place goes into a brawl.
"Time to go," Jack says pulling Lorena's hand as Gibbs followed behind.
"Jack, is it true what Norrington said? Are you truly going to suffer if he were to have killed me?" Lorena asks as Jack makes his way upstairs, trading hats a few times along the way.
"Of course I would your my sister my only weakness in my life I need you with me,"
"Jack, if something were to happen to me you gotta move on from me ya know,"
"You think that's going to be easy? Thanks mate," Jack slaps him on the shoulder, the man falls backwards off the balcony. [
Jack halts causing Lorena to do so as well to let two men carrying another man proceed towards the edge of the balcony.
"But Jack everyone dies eventually all I'm saying is please live a long life without me if I die,"
"You dear sister don't seem the concept of older brother which originally stated I am supposed to die before you that way I'll die knowing that your alive and safe with Will Turner somewhere,"
Lorena sighed as she continued to follow him back to the ship.
"Captain and First mate Sparrow!" Lorena and Jack heard there names being called as they walked with Gibbs.
"Come to join the crew lad? Welcome aboard," Lorena says rolling her eyes.
"I'm here to find the man I love,"
"I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea," Jack says causing Lorena to hit him in the stomach with her elbow as he grunted. "And Lorena I also love Lorena,"
"Good I love you too big brother,"
"Meaning James Norrington Mr. Sparrow,"
"Elizabeth?" Both Jack and Lorena said together.
"Hide the rum," Lorena told Gibbs as he nodded and scurried off.
"You know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin although I think my sister has clothes that you can wear,"
"Jack, I know James came to find you. Where is he?"
"I'm here Lizzy," Norrington said from beside them as Lorena hsd a disgusted face as he was vomiting.
Elizabeth had a look of shock as she ran past the two and over towards James.
"JAMES!" She shouted as she rubbed his back as he continued on vomiting.
"You look bloody awful James. Your reunited with your wife and this is how she sees you? What are you doing here?"
"You both hired me I can't help it both your standards are lax,"
"You smell funny," the two siblings says as Lorena crossed her arms.
"JACK! Do not speak ill about my husband now both of you go away so I can get some peace alone with James,"
"Fine Lorena come with me we have to talk," Jack says pulling her off to the side.
"Jack, what is it?"
"Back in Tortuga when we spoke you said that you wanted nothing but to find Will, is that still true today?"
"Yes, of course. I want to find Will I need him,"
"Then here love. Use the compass it points to the thing you want most which is William Turner,"
"Jack you don't think I know your own compas? Hand it over,"
Jack placed the compass in Lorena's hands as he moved off to the side. Lorena looked down at the compass as it began spinning around and around until it pointed in a specific direction as Jack rose his head up to look.
"Mr. Gibbs," Jack called out.
"My sister found our heading," he said closing the compass as he took it away from Lorena.
"Finally! Cast off those lines, weigh anchor, and prow that canvas!"

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