Chapter Thirteen

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Will let's go of Lorena as he bends down to try and open the chest.
"Oy! What're you doing,?"
"I'm going to kill Jones,"
Jack and Lorena both pulled out their swords and aimed it at Will. Will looks up hurt by Lorena's actions.
"I'm sorry Will I love you, I truly do please I hope you can forgive me but we can't  let you do that, Will. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt on both of us, eh? Now. If you please the key."
Will backs up slowly but only so he can draw Elizabeth's sword.
"I keep the promises I make, Lorena. I intend to free my father. I hope you're both here to see it you make it hard for me to hate you Lorena. You really do,"
"Only because you love me,"
"That I do,"
Norrington pulls out his sword and points it at Will.
"I can't let you do that either so sorry,"
"Norrington dear please stop this at once and return to me," Elizabeth tried to say.
"I knew you'd warm up to us eventually," Jack said with a smile on his face.
Norrington pointed his sword at Lorena causing Jack to frown as his face hardened.
"Lord Beckett desires the contents of that chest. I deliver it, and get my life back with my wife Elizabeth Swann,"
"Oh James,"
"Ah. The dark side of ambition now this fight is between me and you leave me sis out of it,"
"Or what Sparrow? What would you have done if I had sliced her head off? Or stab her right in the chest?"
"Then you would die right here and now," Will said determination in his voice as her sword was still aimed at him as he turned his sword to Norrington.
Two swords were pointed at him as one was at Lorena and Lorena's sword was at Will. So in a way it formed a square. Lorena was the first to move her attack on Norrington causing a surprise for him as he blocked her attack. Jack began fighting with Will as Lorena kicked James in the chest causing him to go down to the ground.
"STOP IT!" Lorena heard Elizabeth scream out but tuned her out as she grabbed the key from Will while he was distracted.
"I LOVE YOU WILL!" Lorena shouted as Jack moved Will to the ground and ran after his sister.
Lorena, Jack and Norrington run through bushes on the beach, then up to a dilapidated stone church on the hill. Norrington chases Jack up steps inside the building, Jack kicks Norrington back down with his foot while Lorena was still had thr key tightly in her grasp. Jack and Norrington have a swordfight on the inside steps as Lorena was behind them. Jack grabs hold of the bell rope, which carries him and Lorena downward, and carries Will upward, who just arrived.
while Norrington and Will are dueling on top of the roof, Jack deftly grabs the dangling key away from Norrington's hand who had some point in time snagged it from Lorena. Noticing the key gone, Norrington then turns and duels with the siblings each fighting side by side with each other. Soon Norrington knocks both Jack and Lorena's sword from their hand, the swords is flung onto the ground below as two swords were pointed at the siblings.
"Please excuse me hike I kill the two siblings who ruined my life,"
"Be my guest but kill Jack and leave Lorena out of it,"
"She deserves death too so she won't grieve about her brother,"
"She's still my girlfriend and I still love her, if she was Elizabeth you'd want her out of harm's way,"
Norrington sighed as he rolled his eyes.
"Fine, only Jack Sparrow then,"
"Let us examine that claim for a moment, former Commodore, shall we? Who was it, who at the very moment you had two notorious pirates safely behind bars, saw fit to free said pirates, and dated my fugitive sister hey? So who's fault is it, really, that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates?"
Jack and Lorena both summersults down the roof escaping Norrington and Will as Jack smirked when Lorena had the key in her hand once more.
"Still rooting for you mate!" Jack yelled as Will and Norrington were fighting on the roof.
Jack picks up his sword when Lorena wore the key around her neck.
"Ya did a very amazing job today dear sister, betraying the one you love for me that's touching,"
"Jack-AHHH!" Lorena screamed as her and Jack had fallen through an open graveyard.

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