Chapter Twelve

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"LAND HO!" Gibbs voice sounded from outside startling Lorena awake.
Lorena felt something stinging on her hand as she looked to see the black spot has returned to her hand. She stared at it with wide eyes as she rushed out to find Jack.
"JACK!" She shouted causing him to turn to look at her.
"Ah, sister dear just the one I wanted to see,"
"Jack the black spot has-"
"Returned yes I know I have it too,"
"Your not worried?"
"Not worried? Of course I'm worried. I'm worried for your sake but not to worry were going to be on land where Davy Jones can't reach us but first I want my jar of dirt,"
Pintel and Ragetti are rowing a longboat with key members of the crew inside. Jack and Lorena in the bow, Elizabeth and Norrington are in the back cuddling and talking quietly amongst themselves.
"You're pulling too slow. We don't want the Kraken to catch us,"
"I'm savin' me strength for when it comes. And I don't think it's Krack-en, anyways. I always heard it said Kray-kin,"
"What with the long A?"
"No-no-no-no-no-no-no. Krock-en's how it's pronounced in the original Scandinavian, and Krack-en's closer to that,"
"Does it really matter?" Lorena asks with a frustrated sigh.
"Well we ain't original Scandinavians, are we? Kray-ken!"
"It's a mythological creature, I can calls it what I wants,"
Lorena couldn't be more happy when they have finally reached shore.
"Guard the boat, mind the tides, don't touch my brothers dirt," Lorena says as Jack handed her his compass.
"Couldn't of said it better than myself,"
Lorena is walking in some sand dunes near the beach, using the compass Jack had given to her. After awhile she gave up and threw it on the ground.
"It doesn't work. I don't see William nor does it point to what you want most," Lorena grumbled sitting on the sand as the needle pointed st her.
"Yes it does your sitting on it dear sister,"
Lorena blinked as she got up from the sand immediately and stood next to her brother. Norrington is digging in the sand, Jack sits in a lotus position nearby on a sandy slope with his sister by his side while digging, Norrington's shovel hits something hard, they brush off sand to reveal a chest. They remove the chest from the sand. The chest contains a pearl necklace, documents, and a smaller chest, among other things. Elizabeth opens up a letter with a wax seal, and reads it to herself. They all bend near to put their ears to the small chest, and they hear a heartbeat.
"It's real," Elizabeth exclaims as Norrington looked over at the two siblings.
"You two actually were telling the truth,"
"We do that quite a lot. Yet people are always surprised," Lorena says shaking her head.
"With good reason my love!" Lorena heard a familiar voice say as her eyes widened when she turned her head to see Will walking towards them.
Lorena had her head down walking over towards Will as a loud slap was heard as she heard some winces from the crew.
"LORENA! This wasn't the welcome home present I had in mind," Will snapped with a hand print on his eyes.
"Good maybe these will see the reason why I did it," Lorena says slapping the letters she took from Jack on his chest.
Shocked Jack checked his shirt to find the letters were indeed missing.
"How did you.... Nevermind,"
"Lorena I can explain,"
"Explain what? That you used me to try and get Jack's compass and to here I thought you and I were working out quite well together,"
"We are! Listen you think I wanted to sign those letters? It was the only way to endure Elizabeth wouldn't parish while I was gone and I didn't use you. I could never use you Lorena you have to trust me when I say I love you,"
"Do you William? Do you really?"
"Yes with all my beating heart I do, and you know it I came on this voyage for you and I'm staying on it,"
"Will you said the same thing last time,"
"Because I was not ready, but now I am and I'm ready to become a pirate with you, I'm ready to sail the seven seas to-"
Will's words were cutt off as Lorena placed her lips on his.
Immediately, Will kissed her back pulling her closer to him. The crew watched as Jack rolled his eyes at his sister's petty romance.
"How did you get here?" Jack asked causing the two to break the kiss.
Will had his arm wrapped around Lorena's waist as he answered him.
"Sea turtles mate. A pair of them strapped to my feet,"
"But I do owe you thanks Jack,"
"You do?"
"After you tricked me onto that ship to square you and Lorena's debt with Jones,"
"What? No it wasn't like that-"
"Hush Lorena. I know you didn't mean it it was all Jack's doing. I was reunited with my father and you kept Lorena from harm. Jones was going to do more than wip her for bad behavior," he said causing her to gulp.
"Your welcome than. And I always know how to keep my baby sister safe,"
"That you do Sparrow, that you do,"

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