Chapter Fourteen

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Norrington backs Will onto the top of the mill's waterwheel. The axle of the wheel breaks off with Norrington and Will dueling on top. Lorena is facing the other direction, so is unaware of the freed wheel rolling behind her as Jack was going to help her out first. The wheel crashes through a small fence, turns, and rolls directly towards Lorena. The waterwheel rolls over Lorena, and Lorena is pulled into the inside of the wheel.
"JACK!" She shouted as her feet were kicking in the air.
Jack stuck his head from out the hole as his eyes widened when he pushed himself out.
"IM COMING SISTER DEAR!" Jack shouted running after the wheel.
the key that Lorena had around her neck falls off into the wheel. Lorena struggles to grab the key, which is caught and dangling inside the rolling wheel. Lorena finally grabs the key, but hits her head on a metal bar inside the wheel, and falls off the wheel.
"LORENA!" Jack shouted bending down to his passed out sister.
"Lorena come on speak to me get up," Jack said as he watched the wheel further and further away. "Lorena come on, please forgive me," Jack said as a loud slap was heard.
Lorena popped open her eyes as her cheek throbbed in pain.
"Jack Sparrow did you just-"
"Please forgive me it was the only way to wake you-" Jack stopped talking when Lorena punched him in the face knocking him out instantly.
"Don't ever hit a woman brother even if she's knocked out," Lorena said before chasing after the wheel.
Lorena got back on the wheel as she saw the key still dangling in the wheel. Lorena was almost to the key until Will's head popped in. He smiled when he saw Lorena.
"Hello Love, you having fun down there?" He asked grinning.
"William hand me the key and I won't fight you," she told him as Will grabbed the key anyways causing her to hold out her sword.
"Sorry Love but I need this key," he said as the two lovers began fighting one another.
The wheel began spinning around and around as Norrington showed up and began fighting off Will.  Lorena used the perfect time to snatch the key from Will causing him to look at her.
"I love you," she says as she goes over to him and kisses him causing a brief distraction for a moment as she climbed her way to the top.
Lorena grabs hold of a palm frond on a coconut palm while at the top of the wheel. The wheel continues on, Lorena hangs from the tree, then drops to the ground as the Wheel began rolling away. Lorena puts her sword back in its sheath.
"Very well done sis couldn't of done it better then meself," Jack said from behind her causing her to turn around as he had a bloody nose.
"Jack, I hope this doesn't change anything between us you know why I punched you yes?"
"Yes, yes it's something I deserved I'm sorry for slapping you awake,"
"Good and I'm sorry for punching you, here let me,"
Lorena tore off a piece of her shirt as she began dabbling it on Jack's nose wiping away the blood.
"Nothing's broken right?"
"Don't seem like it and thank you sis," he said once she had finished.
Jack poked his sister as he pointed at something behind her. She turns around as Jack sees Hadrus running alone through the palms, carrying the small chest. Jack smirks at his sister as he picks up a coconut, whirls it a moment, then throws it at Hadrus. Hadrus' head is knocked off by the coconut. Hadrus' head lies on the ground, attempting to give orders to the rest of his body to find the head.
"Aya! Uh seech! Aunido! Aunido! Follow my voice! Follow my voice! To the left, uh... No, to the right... Go to the left..." Hadrus' headless body walks into a coconut palm.
"No that's a tree,"
"Oh shut it," the two siblings said in unison walking towards the chest bending down.
Lorena unlocks the small chest with the key, square security bolts suddenly protrude when opened. The heart is inside, beating. Jack nughed his sister as he saw the crewmen of the Flying Dutchman approach, Lorena nodded as she allowed Jack to tuck the heart into his vest. She maybe a pirate but no way was she touching that thing. Jack and Lorena were the first two to arrive at the beach as they ran towards the longboat. Jack opens his jar of dirt, dumps out some dirt, puts the heart in the jar, scoops handfuls of dirt back into the jar a Flying Dutchman crewmember arrives at the boat, Lorena fights him using an oar. the swordfight is carried to the beach as the Black Pearl crew attempts to escape by longboat.
the rolling waterwheel reaches the beach, rolls out into the shallows, falls on its side as everyone stopped fighting for a moment to see. Norrington and Will walk away from it, wobbling from dizziness.
"Right," Will says as he saw more fighting going on before falling in the water.
Norrington arrives at the longboat, while others are fighting he takes the heart from the jar and puts it under his vest.
Pintel and Ragetti attempt to escape by longboat, but Will blocks their progress. Pintel and Ragetti reach for their swords, to find their swords gone. Pintel and Ragetti grab a fishnet and oar as weapons against Will.
"Come on lover boy Turner!" Pintel shouted out.
Meanwhile, Jack and Lorena fights with Koleniko, using an oar, subdues him. Will sees the key in the chest, the siblings notices Will looking at the key and chest. Jack hits Will on the head with the oar causing Lorena to gasp as Will got knocked out.
"WILLIAM!" Lorena shouted going towards Will's aid but Jack stopped her.
"Leave him lie sister! Unless you plan on using him to hit something with,"
"There's no getting out of this," Lorena says as the crew was surrounding them.
"Not with the chest into the longboat,"
"Your mad," Elizabeth says looking concerned for her husband.
"Elizabeth come with me, we can have our life together in Port Royal and you can see your father again,"
"James I-"
"Please there's no time. I promise nothing will happen, we can be together,"
Elizabeth looked back at the crew before looking at Norrington.
"Alright let's go,"
"I say we respect their final wish,"
A/N: hey guys if you love this story and the other one come check out my new Jasper Hale story. The first two chapters have already been published think you'll like it a lot!

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