Chapter Two

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"it's a key," Marty says grabbing the cloth.
"No, much more better! It is a drawing of a key," he explains as he unfolds it and shows it to the Crew; everyone stares in silence and Jack seems disconcerted.
"Gentlemen, what do keys do?" Lorena asks putting her hands behind her back as she glanced at her brother before back at the crew.
"Keys... Unlock things?" A pirate answered with hesitation.
"And whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable. So, we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks!" Gibbs says getting excited.
"No," Lorena says as Gibbs gave her a confused look.
"We don't have the key, we can't open whatever it is we don't have that it unlocks. So, what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it." Jack steps in.
"So we're going after this key?"
"You're not making any sense at all. Any more questions?" Lorena asks as Gibbs sighs.
"Aye ye two be the craziest siblings I've ever seen," he says shaking his head causing Lorena to smile.
"And that's why we get along so well,"
"So do we have a heading?"
"Ah!" Jack exclaimes as he goes for his compass. "A heading. Set sail in a-"
the compass needle swings this way and that without stopping and s
Lorena's finger follows it.
general... that way direction!" She says pointing West.
"No that way," Jack says pointing East.
"Jack I know how to read your compass it says West,"
"Ughh Jack you don't understand directions it says West point and clear!"
"Captain, first mate?"
"Come on. Snap to and make sail, you know how this works. Oi, oi!" Shoos pirates out of his way as the two walk into their cabin.
"First mate?" Gibbs called out.
Which direction?"
"West! Go west Gibbs," she says before heading into the cabin.
"I've noticed lately the captain and first mate seem to be acting a bit," Marty says as Gibbs shrugs.
"Setting sail without knowing both of there own heading, something's got Jack and Lorena vexed. You mark my words, what bodes ill for Jack and Lorena Sparrow, bodes ill for us all,"
"Think it has to do with Will Turner again?"
"Could be Lorena didn't come out of the cabin for days Jack was with her the whole time but she should be over it by now,"
"Hmmm.... Who knows I mean she did truly love him when they were together they had so much love for each other,"
"Oh Will made a mistake leaving her Jack will for surly kill 'im when he comes back,"
"If he comes back,"
"Jackie," Lorena says as she sat on the bed while he was on his charts.
"Yes Lorena dear?"
"You know its time right?"
"Aye that's what I'm trying to figure out i don't want you going down with me when it was the deal I made,"
"We made Jackie and you know I'll follow you anywhere your not leaving me behind,"
"Same thing what Turner said," Jack says causing Lorena to wince as he turned to look at her to see the hurt she had in her eyes.
"I'm sorry sis I didn't mean for it to go that far, why is the rum always gone? Come with me to get more rum so we both can drown in our sorrow," Jack says getting up to his feet swaying around. "Oh that's why," he mutters to himself as Lorena got up with him as they both walk out below deck to the rum storage. As the two were looking through they couldn't find any rum.
"Jack the pirates took all the rum theres none left,"
"Ah, here's one," he says pulling it out but it was filled with sand.
"Bugger," the two siblings said together looking at it.
"Times run out you two," a familiar voice says as Jack drops the rum bottle as he drops the bottle as he held the lantern close to the person who was talking face as Lorena placed a hand on his shoulder as she gasped.
"BOOTSTRAP!" Lorena shouted happy as she went towards him to hug him but Jack pulled her back by the shirt and shook his head.
"Bootstrap Bill Turner?" Jack asked as he emerged from the shadows as Lorena gasped when she saw that he was covered in barnacles and had a star fish on the side of his face.
"You look good Jack still hanging around Lorena I see, and Lorena darling I've missed you," he says causing Lorena to smile.
"I've missed you too Bootstrap, your son and I had a relationship together,"
"William? He's here on this ship?"
"He used to be, he left me without even giving me a reason or a goodbye,"
"I'm sorry Lorena, Will is beginning to be like me when I left his mother for pirating, I didn't want him to turn out like me,"
"Your a good man Bootstrap, Will is not,"
"Lorena is this a dream?" Jack whispered leaning closer to her.
"No," Bootstrap and Lorena answered.
"I thought not cause if there were there'd be rum for the both of us," Jack says as Bootstrap reaches out two hands as each had a bottle of rum as Lorena and Jack hesitantly take it.
"You both got the Pearl back I see,"
"We had some help retrieving the Pearl by the way. Your son the very one who broke my sister's heart in two, and I just might kill him for it,"
"Don't kill my son Jack he's the only one I've got I know he did your sister wrong but he'll come back you'll see,"
"And to what do we owe the pleasure of your carbuncle?" Lorena asked but she already knew the answer.
"He sent me. Davy Jones,"
"Ah. So it’s you, then. He shanghaied you into service, eh?"
"I chose it. I’m sorry for the part I played in the mutiny against you, and Lorena," he says as a little crab escapes from his sleeve, he grabs it and eats it. "I stood up for both of ya. Because you were like a daughter to me Lorena. Everything went wrong after that. They strapped me to a cannon, I ended up on the bottom of the ocean, the weight of the water crushing down on me. Unable to move, unable to die, Jack, Lorena and I thought that even the tiniest hope of escaping this fate, I would take it. I would trade anything for it,"
"It’s funny what a man Will do to forestall his final judgment," Lorena says as Jack nodded in agreement.
"You both made a deal with him, too Jack, Lorena. He raised the Pearl from the depths for you both, thirteen years you’ve been Captain and she first mate,"
"Technically we-"
"Won’t be able to talk both of yourselfs out of this. The terms would apply to me, apply to both of you as well. Two souls, bound to crew a hundred years upon his ship,"
" Yes, but The Flying Dutchman already has a Captain, so there’s really –" Lorena tried but was interrupted.
"Then it’s the Locker for both of you! Though this is terrible, the leviathan Will find you and drag the Pearl back to the depths and you both along with it,"
"I understand meself but please bootstrap spare my sister she only follows my lead,"
"Can't do it Jack I'm sorry you two made the deal now honor it,"
"Any idea when Jones might release said terrible beastie?" Lorena asked.
"I already told you, Lorena and Jack. The time is up, he said as he puts something in Jack and Lorena's hands. "It comes now. Drawn with ravenous hunger for the man and woman what bears the black spot. They bith open there hand and a black spot spreads out on the palm of the hand that Bootstrap touched.

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