Chapter Five

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"Actually, we don’t need everyone.
About six would do," Leech says causing everyone to stop for a second to look at them. "I'll tell Lorena you all parishes and didn't make it, she'll be in my arms while I comfort her,"
"MOVE!" Will shouted as each cage races to the top.
Lorena belonged to Will and only Will even if she doesn't forgive him he will always love Lorena.
A cannabal strolls past. The men in both cages freeze for a few minutes.
The kid stares, suspicious. The second cage begins to move up a little as they thought they grabbed a vine but instead grabbed a snake.
"SNAKE! SNAKE!" He screams out as the others let go of the cage.
Will looked up to see the kid looking back at him.
"MOVE!" He shouted as the group moved up quicker than before as the drums stopped causing Will's heart to race faster.
Meanwhile Jack and Lorena are about to be burned alive with a female who had a touch and a male who had a touch for Jack.
"This is it big brother I'll meet you in the afterlife,"
"Same to you little sister, this is goodbye," he says just as the tourches were about to be put under on both of them but a kid ran towards the pelegostos stopping them from roasting the two siblings.
"Da latazo da latazo! Hay la Paka say-say,"
Nobody does anything for a few minutes as they turn to Jack and Lorena for answers.
"Well go on go get them," the two siblings say together. "Hay ala!"
"Hay ala!" They shouted running off but the one holding the tourch dropped it as Lorena gasped causing Jack to look at her.
"No! Jack!" She shouted trying to blow out the fire but it only got worse.
"Hold on sis I'm coming," Jack says as Lorena began leaking out tears.
"Just go Jack save yourself you get to live a longer life,"
"No no don't say that I need you more than you need me your the only family I have left not letting you die,"
Meanwhile Will and the group finally made it to the top.
"Cutt it loose find a rock!"
Will manages to sever the cages cable by hammering it with a rock but the cannibals reach up towards them causing Will to panic.
"ROLL THE CAGE!" Will shouted as the cage began rolling causing the men to start screaming until they hit the cage by a palm tree.
"LIFT THE CAGE HURRY!" Will shouted again as they lifted the csge as they started running.
"Come on men! Lift it like a ladies skirt!" Gibbs shouted out.
Jack was able to get out with the bamboo stuck on his back, he quickly rushed to his sister as he pushed her off before the fire could consume her.
"Thanks Jackie," she said getting up with the stick also tied to her back.
"Let's go before they come back,"
"Aye right behind ya,"she said as the two began running.
While they were running Jack encounters the boy with knife in his hand as he took it and began cutting his ropes off as two woman began to appear.
"Im working on it," he grumbles not looking at the woman.
"Jack look up idiot," Lorena said from behind him as he slowly looked up to to see the woman there staring at them.
"Oh," he said as Jack and Lorena both charge at them but the bamboo pole on both their back spears a coconut near the cliffs edge.
They turned around as the coconuts flung at the two woman as they both caught it with milk dripping down their faces as they scowled at the siblings.
"Sorry?" Lorena tried as it only seemed to make them angrier.
The cage that Will Turner was on rolled down to a river causing it to bust as the cannibals began to throw spears and darts at them barley missing Will by an inch as they swam under water.
"This way lads," Gibbs called as they hid in the cave.
Jack and Lorena were both had fruits being thrown at them as Lorena screamed as she tried dogging it with her bamboo stick.
"STOP!" Jack shouted just as the cannibal boy shows up.
"Da litozo! Da litozo!" He shouts.
"Okay sis now on three we jump,"
"Sis do you trust me?"
"Jack that's a really trick question to ask," she responds causing him to roll his eyes.
"Just answer the question,"
"Yes okay I trust you,"
"Good hold onto my hand and on three were jumping from this cliff to the other,"
"Ready?" He asks backing up until they were a distance away.
"Ready," she responds taking deep breaths as she held onto Jack's hand tighter.
"One, two, three," he says as the two jump from one cliff to the other but barley made it as Lorena held Jack's hand tighter as she couldn't get her balance.
"Jackie I'm slipping," she says as the fruit that was in front of her falls forward as the weight was too much as she fell to the chasm.
"NO LORENA!" Jack shouts but he was too in the same position as he began falling backwards screaming.
Jack's pole is caught between the walls of the chasm As Jack falls through the first rope bridge, the rope comes undone but is still attached to the bamboo pole and to Jack. Jack is hung upside-down in the chasm when the bamboo pole catches. Jack falls through a total of six rope bridges. Jack lands on his back on grass. The Bamboo pole comes down at him, spears the ground near his head.
"Lorena where are you?" Jack asks quickly getting up.
"Ughh I'm fine brother don't worry," she says appearing next to him with the bamboo pole off of her as he breathes a sigh of relief.
Out of instinct he wrapped his arms around her as this took Lorena by surprise but hugged him back soon after.
"I thought I lost you,"
"Aww Jackie you'd really be lost without me?"
"Of course I would don't know what I'd do without my sister by my side now come on so I can kill bloody William for showing up again,"
"Aye right on ya bro,"
Will Turner and the group were running towards the Black Pearl, Will stopped running causing Gibbs to stop as well as the others went on the Black Pearl.
"What about Lorena and Jack? I'm not leaving without them,"
"HEY!" He could hear Jack yell as Will smiled when he saw Lorena running with him.
"HEY DONT LEAVE WAIT!" She yelled as Will's smile disappeared when he saw a group of cannibals following behind them.
"Time to go," Will says rushing on the ship.
"Cast off the lines," Gibbs shouted as the two siblings were screaming while running down the beach. "Make ready to cast off!"
The dog is on the beach barking at the two as they made it to the ship.
"Good doggie," Lorena says as they both grabbed ahold of the ringing side of the departing ship.
"Alas, my children! This is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost -" he began but a huge wave blasted Jack and Lorena as she yelped.
"Captain Jack Sparrow,"
"And first mate Lorena Sparrow," she says climbing on the ship after her brother.
"Let's put some distance between us and this island, and head out to open sea,"
"Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only in so far as we keep to the shallows as much as possible,"
"Uh, that seems a bit contradictory, Captain,"
"I have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, Master Gibbs, now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something," the monkey screams, drops Ragetti's eye, Ragetti grabs his eye, spits on it, rubs the spit around on it. The monkey chatters and climbs into the rigging. Jack is ready to shoot the monkey with his pistol.
"Jack, Lorena," Will says as Jack stops and slowly turns his head to face Will as he gave him a glare of death.
"Or perhaps instead of shooting the monkey I can shoot the man that crushed my sister," he said pointing the gun towards him instead with his hand on the trigger.

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