Chapter Four

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The cannibals were getting ready to feast as drumming began to increase. They put on human toes and fingers to Jack's neck as Lorena looked at him disgusted.
"Thank you," he said picking out a tow as he studies it and bites off the nail as he chews on it and spits it back out.
"Jack!" Lorena whispered horrified as he shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes I wonder how were related," she whispers with a shake of her head.
The cannibals presented Lorena with a tiara that was made out of rib cages and bones as she didn't say anything when they put it on top of her head.
"Thanks?" She says as they presented another gift for her.
This one was a bracelet that was made out of human toes as they placed the bracelet on her arm. Lorena and Jack both looked at each other with a disgusted look on their faces. Meanwhile Will Turner was in the cage filled with bones with the rest of the crew he hit the cage anger coursing through him.
"How can I be so stupid? She'll never forgive me for what I've done," he mumbled while the rest of the crew stared at him in shock. "Why would they do this to us? If Jack and Lorena are the chief-"
"Aye. The Pelegostos have made Jack their chief. But he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief. as for Lorena she's a Goddess bound in human form made to protect the village. You have some nerve coming back here Turner. You've hurt Lorena pretty bad and Jack's been telling me different ways he was gonna kill you if you shall ever return,"
"So he had no choice. He’s a captive there as much as the rest of us. And I know somewhere inside Lorena still loves me she just has to open up to me like last time. If I can explain the reason why I left she'd understand,"
"Worse, as it turns out. You see, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form. Lorena a goddess like I mentioned before. And they intend to do them the honor of releasing both of them from their fleshy prison," he explained as Cotton grabs Gibbs‘ right hand bites it, Gibbs snatches it away. "They’ll roast them and eat them,"
"No we have to save Lorena! I can't just let her die!"
"Should of thought about that before you left her she became depressed over you boy. For two weeks she wouldn't come out of her room and Jack was there with her the whole time. Left me in charge to care for his sister,"
"Wheres the rest of the crew?" Will asked changing the subject.
"These cages we’re in weren’t built ‘till after we got here," he responds as Will snatches his hand away from the cage in alarm. "The feast is about to begin. Jack and Lorena's life will end… when the drums stop,"
"Well we can't just sit here and wait can we? Hurry we need to get to Lorena and fast,"
"No! No no. Oi, no no! More wood. Big fire. Big fire! I am chief and me sister is Godess, we want big fire!" C’mon then. Oi!" motions to the one behind his throne.
Maboogey snickle snickle. Toute suite. C’mon," Lorena says as she shoos the native away.
"More wood," Jack says looking at his sister next to him as they smile at each other as both of them see them pile on big logs; when they turn around,  Jack and Lorena are gone. The siblings runs across a rickety bridge with Jack holding his sister's hand, past some huts and almost falls off a cliff.
"Jack!" Lorena whispered angry that he almost made them fall to their death.
He ignores her as he goes back to the camp with her following, picks up a long bamboo stick, as he smiles at his sister then looses the smile and drops it; goes into one hut which is filled with what looks like items stolen by the pirates; finds a length of rope and then picks up a can of paprika, on the bottom of which there is an East India Trading Company logo. he steps out of the hut and finds his subjects waiting for him outside.
"Oh, bugger," he said causing Lorena to roll her eyes as he drops the rope and with a flourish uncaps the paprika, sprinkling it under his arms. "A little seasoning, aye?" Jack asks as he throws the can towards Lorena who did the same as they smell themself faintly.
"Mhmmm adds some good spice doesn't it brother?"
"Indeed little sis, that is why I believe you should go first in the feast,"
"Hey you lived longer than me,"
"Does the term OLDER brother ring a bell Jack? You've lived longer than I have which means you go first while I mourn over you and take your place as Captain,"
"So this is what this is about eh? Trying to get Yer older brother eaten by cannibals so you can become captain seeing the true side of you,"
"You said and I quote when we were younger "sis if anything should happen to me you take my place as Captain" remember that?" She asks as the pelegostos stare at the two back and forth.
"I certainly do not remember that must of been drunk,"
"Oh you selfish bastard!"
"Easy on the language darling,"
Jack and Lorena were tied for the roasting as they were both hoisted over the kindling separated.
"Well done," Jack says looking impressed.
"Jack, no matter what happens I love you. You may be a pain in the ass but your my best friend and I love you,"
"Sis you'll always be my best friend and little sister, we get to die together at least so we won't have to grieve over each other,"
Meanwhile in the cages, the Crew is swinging the cages, trying to reach the side of the cliff, but not quite making it the first time and almost making it the second if the grass had not torn off in their hands; after several tries, they manage to latch onto stronger vines.
"Put your legs through! Start the climb!"
"Come on men, it’ll take all of us to save Lorena than climb back to the black pearl!" Will shouted more desperate to save Lorena.

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