Chapter Nine

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Will and Lorena goes aboard the ship, lantern in hand they passed one dead crewman at deck level, proped up behind net-like rigging. They comes across a wounded sailor, who seems to be in shock. The wounded sailor is pulling on a pulley desperately, muttering to himself.
"Up.... The....-" the sailor muttered to himself as Lorena had pitty in her eyes.
"Sailor!" She called as Will looked over at her.
Bring a-"
"There's no use. You've run aground," Will says trying to reason with the man.
"No! Beneath us! Foul breath!"
behind Will and Lorena, a crewmember's body falls from a height, splashing into the water causing Lorena to gasp as Will held onto her hand.
"Hey! Hey!" Will yells as the two investigate.
Will turns the man's body over to see his face the man's face is gone, his face is just a puckered piece of skin, which bulges outward causing Lorena to gasp again in fright as Will wrapped his arm around her shielding her from the sight the real Flying Dutchman suddenly rises from the sea, nearby the scuttled ship. The sea creature-like crew emerge from the surfaces of the Flying Dutchman. Crewmembers from the Flying Dutchman attack the remaining crew of the scuttled ship.
"Down on your marrowbones and pray,"
"Will," Lorena says as Will  engages in a swordfight against several invaders. Will dips his sword in oil, causing it to flame, and waves it at the men surrounding him while pushing Lorena back behind him protecting her.
"Get back! Back!" Will slices open the stomach of one of the invaders, fish spill out of it onto the deck
Will battles the invading crewmembers, but one of them knocks Will unconscious.
"William!" Lorena shouted grabbing ahold of his face.
"Well, Well look at what the cat dropped in boys,"
"Its Lorena Sparrow," one of them says as Lorena turned around.
"Hey guys long time no see right? I'll take Will and we'll be on our way,"
"Hold it Lorena Sparrow. You and that brother of yours have a debt to pay as least one of ya lived up to it," he said before knocking her out in the back of her head.
the prisoners of the scuttled ship cower in fear, lined up, sitting in a row on deck along the railing.
Jack is at the end of the row of five survivors total, on the right-side when facing the survivors worrying about his sister. Davy Jones stomps aboard with his peg leg, underwater view of his departing feet. Maccus is on deck, turned so that his back is shown, showing lobster legs on his back.
"Five men still alive. The rest has moved on,"
Jones pauses to clench his left hand, which is a large lobster claw. Jones casually lights a pipe in front of one of the cowering crewmen.
"Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer you... an escape-uh,"
Lorena was next to Will watching the whole thing as she gulped. She loved Will to death but deep down she's afraid of what Davy Jones could do to her. She didn't think this one through she should of stayed with her brother but she wouldn't have made up with Will if she had.
"Don't listen to him!" A man shouted out as Davy began walking over to him.
"Do you not fear death?"
"I'll take my chances sir,"
"To the depths," the chaplain's throat is slit as Lorena gasped and turned away as two crew members throw his body overboard.
"Cold blooded,"
"Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different? I offer you a choice. Join my crew, and postpone the judgment. One hundred years before the mast. Will ye serve?"
"I-I will serve,"
Jones had a pleased look on his face but stopped as he noticed Will along with an all to familiar girl with him. He smirked as he walked over to the two and placed a claw on Lorena's throat.
"DONT TOUCH HER!" Will shouted as Lorena remained calm but she was dying of fear on the inside.
"Lorena Sparrow, you have come to serve your payment you've been first mate for 13 years that was our agreement," he says squeezing harder as Lorena was having trouble breathing before Davy released her.
She began coughing as Will looked over with worries eyes.
"Technically I was only first mate for 2 years Barbossa-"
"No excuses for you Ms. Sparrow 100 years of serving my and the crews every need," he said as Davy ran his tentacles over her body.
"STOP!" Will shouted as Davy stopped to turn to look at him.
"You are neither dead nor dying. What is your purpose here?"
"Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his and Lorena's debt,"
"Will no,"
"What is your purpose here?"
"Jack and Lorena Sparrow. They sent me to settle there debt. So you can release Lorena and have me,"
"Huh! Did they, now? I'm sorely tempted to accept that offer but with Lorena here now I will not for she has a debt for me and isn't going anywhere,"
through a spyglass, Jack sees Jones turn to look directly at him. Suddenly Jones is standing aboard the Black Pearl, directly in front of Jack and his spyglass. [
Cotton and Gibbs have knives to their throats from other Flying Dutchman crewmembers who teleported over.
"Oh," Jack says slowly putting down his spyglass.
"You have a debt to pay, you can act like your sister who's living up to her debt. You've been captain of the Black Pearl for thirteen years while your sister for first mate for thirteen years. That was our agreement,"
"Technically, we was only captain and first mate for two years, then we were viciously mutinied upon,"
"Then you both were a poor captain and first mate, but a captain and first mate nonetheless! Have you not introduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow? And first mate Lorena Sparrow?"
"You have our payments. One soul for the price of two to serve on your ship is already over there,"
"One soul does not equal to another let alone two,"
"Aha! So we've established my proposal is sound in principle, now we're just haggling over price. If you could give my sister back to me we'll make the price,"
"Price? Pttt!"
"Just how many souls you think my sister and I are worth?"
"Two hundred souls, three days,"
"You're a diamond, mate. Send me back the boy and my sister, I'll get started right off," he said as he tried to exit but Maccus blocked him from doing so.
"keep the boy. A good-faith payment. That leaves you only one hundred ninety nine more to go. Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Men bring out Lorena Sparrow,"
"LET GO OF ME! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Jack heard Lorena yell as he saw her being dragged aboard by two men as she kicked and screamed.
They roughly threw her towards Jack who caught her in his arms.
"Sister thank God your alright," he said quickly hugging her before going back to business.
"Have you not met Will Turner? He's noble, heroic, terrific soprano. Worth at least four... maybe three and a half. And did I happen to mention... he's in love. With a girl. Due to be married. Betrothed. Dividing him from her and her from him... would only be half as cruel as actually allowing them be joined in holy matrimony. Aye?" He asked looking over at his sister who looked back at him with a confused expression.
"I keep the boy. One hundred and Ninety-nine souls-uh. But I wonder, Sparrow, can you live with this? Can you condemn an innocent man - a friend-uh - to a lifetime of servitude, in your name while you two roam free?"
"Jack what is he talking about? What have you done to William?"
"Yep! We're  good with it should we seal it in blood? I mean uhh... Ink?"
"Jack I'm not good with anything until you tell me-"
"I'll tell you later just put your hand with the black spot out," he says as Lorena hesitated but did as told holding out her hand.
Jones grabs Jack's hand, resulting in a squishy sound as he did the same for Lorena.
"Ewww," she says looking at her slimy hand as the black spot was going away.
"Three days. Three days," Jones said as the crew slowly walked away.
"Jackie what the hell just happened? What did you do to William?"
"Mr. Gibbs," he says ignoring her questions as she wipped the slim off her pants.
"Uh, I feel sullied and unusual,"
"And how do you intend to harvest these one hundred and ninety-nine souls in three days?"
"Fortunately, he was mum as the condition in which these souls need be,"
"Ah... Tortuga!"
"Tortuga," Jack says walking off as Lorena followed him.
"Jack Sparrow what have you done to Will? I won't ask you again,"
"Look it was the only say to save your life I might have sold Will's soul to the Dutchman so we can go free," he said going inside the cabin leaving Lorena standing there with a disbelief expression on her face.
A/n: pretty long chapter huh? Sorry for not updating school gets in the way, you guys have to understand I'm in college now and I can't write like I used to. So as a reward for a wait I made this one extra long. Thanks for the votes, comments, and favs you guys keep me going! Keep it up and third and last book might be coming sooner than you think :)

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