Chapter Three

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"On deck all hands! Make faster gasket! On deck! Scurry! Scurry on! Move it! Move it!! We want movement!" Jack shouted as Lorena was behind him when he started yelling.
"Run as if the devil himself and itself was upon us!"Lorena shouts out as Jack grabbed her good hand as he began wrapping her hand up before his own.
"I'm sorry dear sister I never meant for this to happen,"
"Jack it's something we both did there's no escaping Davy Jones,"
"Do we have a heading you two?"
"Ah! Rum land," Lorena says as the two doesn't see Gibbs.
Gibbs sighed as he walked away and then pops up on the other side of the stairs where the two was hiding.
"Ah!" They both screamed as Lorena held onto Jack.
"Which port?"
"We didn’t say port. We said land, any land," the two said together as the undead monkey climbs by and knocks off Jack and Lorena's hat off. "Ah!" they scream as they each hiss at each other.
"Jack and Lorena's hat! Steer about!" Gibbs shouted when the monkey threw both of there hat overboard.
"No. No. Leave it," Jack says as everyone including Lorena looked at him funny.
"Jack you bought me that hat!"
"I know I'll buy you another one. Rum," he says grabbing her hand as they both scurry away.
"Back to your stations the lot of ya! Jack, Lorena," Gibbs said as he saw the two underneath another set of stairs.
"Shh," they both said as Jack was in front of Lorena as if protecting her.
"For the love of mother and child you two. What's coming after us?"
"Nothing," the two said causing Gibbs to roll his eyes.
Will Turner was in Tortuga looking around for Jack or Lorena Sparrow. He needed to see Lorena again, he missed the feel of her lips, her constant flirting, the feeling of him being inside her. He still loved her and he needed to tell her the true reason why he left. He wasn't ready for piracy he knew he did her wrong by leaving and he hopes that she could forgive him. He didn't go back to Elizabeth she was happily married to James Norrington until he didn't show up s couple months ago after a mission he was sent on. Elizabeth thought he had died and Will was there to comfort her. Will was on an island now as he saw the black pearl docked.
"Jack! Lorena! Jack and Lorena Sparrow! Marty! Cotton! Anybody!" he sees no one and makes his way into the jungle, spots Cotton’s parrot.
"You don't have to know where Lorena is do you?" He asked the parrot.
"Awk don't eat me!"
"I'm not going to eat you, I just need to know where Lorena or Jack is,"
"Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Awk,"
Will walks on knowing that the bird isn't going to reply to him on Lorena's whereabouts. He spots Gibbs‘ canteen hanging. "Gibbs," he mumbles as he follows the rope that had been tied to it and is captured by the cannibals; hanging upside down by one foot he swings his sword around. "Come on! Let’s go! Come on, who wants it?! I can do this all day!" He yelled as the cannibals look at each other then one shoots a poisoned dart at the wildly swinging Will; it hits his neck and he is knocked out, sword dropping from his hand.
Will is being tied to a pole upside down with his hands and feet tied together.
"Kali kali ten dah dah," a cannibal told the two siblings who were acting like a chief.
Jack was the chief while Lorena was a goddess sent from the Gods in all her beauty and glory to protect the village. She had white paint on her face, she had a pair of eyes on her eyelids making it look as if she had four eyes, her arms were covered in black and white swirls like Ying and yang, she wore grass bra and a grass skirt as she sat next to Jack on the thrown. Will begins to wake up as his face shown recognization of the two siblings.
"Jack? Lorena? Jack and Lorena Sparrow. I can honestly say I’m glad to see you both I've missed you Lorena I'm sorry for leaving I love you," Lorena rises from her thrown as Jack had a look of anger on his face towards Will. She begins to poke his shoulder. 
"Lorena it’s me, Will Turner! Lorena please I'm sorry for what I did I know it was wrong of me to take off without a goodbye. If I could change it I would don't you still love me?"
"Pah se Ko?" She asked turning around to face the cannibals.
"Teen dada, eeseetis. Eeseetis," Everyone agrees.
"Lorena, tell them to let me down I need to tell you something it's important,"
Jack gets up form his thrown as he could see that the boy was hurting Lorena.
"Kele lam. Nom piki piki, nom minsi winsi.," Jack says as he approaches Will’s backside.
"Lam seisei, eunichi. Snip snip,"
"Eunichi," they cheered.
"Jack, the compass, it’s all I need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for trying to help you two. She faces the gallows!"
Lorena's hands clenched with anger at the mention of Elizabeth as she turned to face Will.
"You left me to go back to her?" Lorena whispered heart broken and betrayed as Jack's frown only deepened.
"No Lorena it wasn't like-"
"Save it," she hissed before turning back to face the cannibals.
"Seiserom shup shup sha smame mame shuku, savvy? Maliki liki," Lorena says as she waves Will away.
"Maliki liki! Maliki liki!" They chant as they were taking Will away having Jack and Lorena follow them.
"After we get out of here your dead Turner," Jack whispered as Will turned to look at him.
"No I didn't go back to Elizabeth it wasn't like that. Lorena please listen to me your the only one I love Elizabeth meant nothing to me,"
"Just shut up and save us," she hissed at him.
"Lorena, what did you tell them? No! What about Elizabeth? Lorennnaaaa! Jaaaack!" Will shouted as he was being carried away.

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