Chapter Six

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Lorena quickly got in front of Will making Jack groan as he put down the gun.
"Lorena I can't kill the man if your in the way,"
"You don't need to kill him Jack please don't,"
"He hurt you don't you remember that?"
"Yes but that doesn't mean you get to kill him. Jack I know your trying to protect me but it's okay just please don't shoot him,"
"You still love the welp that's why you don't want me to shoot him,"
"I don't love him anymore I just don't want you to kill him," she said as she heard Will wince but she ignored him.
"Ughh fine," he said putting away his pistol as Lorena smiled and went over to Jack.
"Thanks big bro,"
"Yeah whatever,"
"Jack, Lorena, Elizabeth is in danger," he says making Lorena frown as anger quickly clouded her mind as she went up towards him and shoved him back causing his eyes to widen.
"You left me for her? Why does this not surprise me William Turner! I gave everything to you and this is how you betray me? What was I not good enough for you so you went back to your dearly beloved?" She asked as a loud slap was heard.
Everyone stopped and stared as she was going to hit Will again but he caught her wrist as he looked at her in the eyes.
"That's not what happened if you'd give me a chance to explain everything you'd understand. I don't love Elizabeth I love you," he said causing Lorena to laugh as she got out of his grip.
"If you truly loved me you wouldn't have left me," she hissed before turning around and headed towards the cabin as she slammed the door shut.
"CAN I SHOOT HIM NOW?" Jack asked.
"NO!" She yelled back before she slumped down in the ground as she started crying.
"Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on 'er? Maybe just lock her up somewhere," Jack asked walking away from Will.
"She is locked up, in a prison, bound to hang for helping you two!"
"There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes. Like for instance you made a big mistake of hurting my sister and trust me it's taking all of my power and strength not to kill you right here and now,"
Will pulls a sword from the waistband of a pirate who is turned around, points it at Jack.
"I need that Compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom,"
Jack points the sword away from him.
"I thought you didn't love her? I thought my sister is all you-"
"She is! I love Lorena and she won't listen to me your her brother why don't you go and talk to her?"
"Me? Son I wasn't the one who left my sister heartbroken it's your responsibility to talk to her not mine now she's stubborn just like me it's going to take some time for her to trust and open up to you again,"
Will sighed as he looked down.
"She'll never forgive me, she'll never love me again,"
"Son when I tried so desperately to kill you I saw the love she still had for you in her eyes why else did she stop me from shooting you 10 times and throw you over the ocean?"
Will's eyes went up with hope in them.
"There's still hope for me?"
"Yes lad, Mr. Gibbs," Jack called as Gibbs appeared beside him.
"We have the need to travel upriver,"
"By need, d'you mean a... trifling need, uh a... fleeting, as in say in a passing fancy,"
"No, a... resolute and unyielding need,"
"What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste,"
"William... I shall trade you the Compass, if you will help me... to find this," Jack said pulling the cloth of key out.
"You want me to find this?"
"No. You want you to find this. Because the finding this finds you incapacitorially finding and or locating and your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly dotty belle ol'... what's-her-face. And it'll regain my sister's love for you Savvy?"
"This will help me save Elizabeth? And help get Lorena back to me?"
"How much do you know about Davy Jones?"
"Not much,"
"Yes it's going to help them both my sister especially,"
"You okay?" Jack asked as he took off his coat.
Lorena was laying in the bed staring up at the ceiling as she sighed.
"Yeah I'll be fine,"
"You know he loves you," Jack says crawling into bed with his sister.
"He wouldn't of left if he did,"
"He's back though. He came back for you,"
"More like Elizabeth,"
"He doesn't love her he just wants to help her. He loves you dear sister and if you give him a chance to explain I'm sure he'll tell you everything,"
"You know what's funny?"
"What?" He asked as she chuckled.
"Just five minutes ago you wanted to kill him what changed?"
"Nothing really I still want to kill him but I figured to give him another chance, but next time though you won't be in my way,"
She smiled as she kissed her brothers cheek.
"Thanks big brother I'm going to get some air,"
Lorena got up from bed as she opened the cabin doors to feel the wind on her face as she breathed in the fresh air of the sea.
"Lorena," she heard her name being called as she looked down below to see Will as he had pleading eyes.
Lorena sighed coming down the stairs.
"What William?" She hissed causing him to wince.
"Can I talk to you please?"
She sighed as she began to leave him as Will began to follow her down to the rum celler.
"You got five minutes Turner that's it,"
"Okay let me explain myself. I left because I wasn't ready to accept being a pirate I went back to Port Royal thinking everything was going to be okay. I went back to being blacksmith but I couldn't stop thinking about you. Lorena I was dying without you, I missed everything about you and I'm sorry. I am so sorry I regret ever leaving you I love you Lorena Sparrow,"
Sparrow's don't normally cry but Lorena couldn't help but let a few tears slip. She couldn't help it because she still loved him no matter how hard she tried not to she was only trying to keep up the façade for Jack so he wouldn't worry about her so much but on the inside she was dying without Will by her side. The man she loves to death.  Will grabbed both sides of her face.
"Lorena look at me," he said as Lorena looked at him in the eyes as he wiped the tears away with his thumb.
"Do you still love me? Answer me true fully,"
"Yes," she whispers causing Will to smile as he leaned down and was going to place his lips on hers but she placed a finger on his lips causing him to open his eyes as she traveled her finger to his lips down to his chest as she unbuttoned one of his shirts.
"But," she began while unbuttoning his shirt.
"You'd have to prove to me that you still love me. You'd have to earn my trust again Will Turner," she says getting dangerously close to his lips as she raked her nails on his chest causing him to moan.
When nothing else happened he opened his eyes to realize that she was gone. 

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