Chapter Eleven

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"BECKETT?!" Gibbs shouted shocked as Elizabeth was showing the trio signed documents.
"Yes, they're signed, Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company."
"Agh," Jack grunted looking at his sister who hasn't said a word but he could always see right through her shes hurting on the inside.
"Will was working for Beckett, and never said a word. He used you Lorena getting closer to you so he could get closee to Jack ouch," Gibbs said as Jack flunked him on the head.
"Gibbs may I remind you that's my sister your talking about,"
"I can't believe he fooled me again, the fact that I forgave him and he still betrayed me," Lorena said clenched fists with a tear in her eye.
"I will not be fooled again," Lorena says walking away as she slammed the cabin door shut.
Jack sighed for his sister as everything was quiet for a moment.
"Beckett wants the Compass. Only one reason for that,"
"Of course he wants the chest,"
"Yes he said something about the chest,"
"If the company controls the chest they control the sea,"
"A truly disconcerting notion love, now if you'll excuse me I must check in my-"
"And bad. Bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard!" Gibbs interrupted as all Jack wanted to do was check on his sister.
"Might I inquire how as to how you came by these?"
" Friendly?"
"Decidedly not,"
"Will strikes a deal for these and upholds it with honor and betrays my sister. Yet you're the one standing here with the prize. Full pardon, commission as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company. As if I could be bought for such a low price,"
Jack tucks the letters in his coat as he begins to head towards the cabin but once again he was stopped from reaching his goal.
"Jack the letters give them back,"
"No. Persuade me after I check on my sister,"
"You do know Norrington taught me how to handle a sword,"
"As I said..... Persuade me," Jack says finally walking away as he headed towards the cabin.
Before he went inside he pressed his ear against the door as he heard sniffling causing him to sigh as he knocked on the door. Noises were heard from inside causing Jack to roll his eyes.
"You may enter," she says trying to be brave but she had a broken voice.
Jack slowly walks in the cabin as Lorena breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh it's just you,"
"Well that's a way to greet your brother,"
"Sister dead you have me worried. Do you wish to speak about dear William?" Jack asked sitting on the bed next to his sister.
"Jack. Ever love someone and even though they hurt you time and time again you can't find a way to get truly mad at them?"
"Let me think. No, but if Will Turner keeps hurting you why do you go back to him?"
"Because I found a will to forgive him and that's hard to do especially since he left me the first time. You remember how broken I was? I gave my body and soul to him yet he just left. And when he showed up again I thought it was because of me but it's always because of Elizabeth Swann, apart of me still believes he loves her no matter how much he says it's me he loves,"
"Darling dear, I knew at first I didn't like the two of you but I see the way he looks at you and you to him a look and a connection that he could never have with Elizabeth. In my own eyes I see that you two were meant for each other. And that's why he came back because he knows it to,"
"You really think so brother?"
Jack smiles as he saw a look of hope in his sister's eyes.
"I know so. Now get some sleep I have business to attend to," he said kissing her forehead.
"Need any help? I am first mate after all,"
"I'm good goodnight sis,"
A/n: not as long as the previous one but at least it's updated! 101 favorites I don't believe it thanks for the votes and support guys! Keep it coming cause more chapters are underway

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