chapter 1 - get well soon

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Everyone was right, the Vortex Club did know how to party. Y/N could smell the weed in the air and at that, she knew it was a bad idea, but fuck it. Finding her way through crowds of drunk girls and trying not to fall into the pool, she found the drinks table, grabbing some punch for herself, awkwardly leaning on the table. It's the worst feeling ever going to a party like this on her own, and the fact that she has no friends at the point. Y/N had been at Blackwell Academy for approximately two months now, and she still had no friends, at least no one hated her, yet.
The deafening bass made her head ache, clutching her cup, she looked around to see if she knew anyone. These were just some kids who were normal people at the school, she bets the real fun would be in the VIP lounge, too bad she's no where near cool enough to be there. Victoria Chase and her groupies are probably in there. Nathan Prescott too.
He was infamous at this school, people both adored him or were afraid of him, for good reasons too, the kid is fucking insane, but he sure knows how to party. She's only ever seen him maybe three or four times, they weren't in many classes together, and well, he's popular and she definitely is not. Putting her cup down, making sure it's in odd spot so no one would accidentally use it, she decides to explore the area more, being wary of the people actually partying.
She felt like a lost dog in a group full of cats, sticking out like a sore thumb, very out of place. Luckily for her, no one really paid attention, except for that one pair of eyes she felt had been watching her since she got to the punch table. Even after one drink of punch, she knew her low alcohol tolerance was kicking in and she felt woozy, the violet smoke in the air growing blurrier and blurrier until..
She fell, but in someone's arms. "Watch it, girlie." She could only just make out the words from the screaming and loud music. Stumbling back onto her feet to meet the stranger, the unmissable color of red on the boy's jacket made her heart sink. Speak of the devil... She couldn't tell how his expression was, it looked kinda pissed, but at the same time worried. "New girl had too much to drink? Let me get you somewhere....less crowded." She felt his arm around her shoulder as he guided her back to the punch table.
This was definitely nerve-wracking, not only did she have some sort of company, it had to be the most popular and probably most dangerous person at the school. Weirdly, he looked like no threat, now that her vision wasn't as blurry, she could see his calm face, a slight redness to his cheeks and eyes, and the slightest curve on his lips.
He must've been doing some sort of drugs, as his eyes seemed slightly pink and watery, and the fact that she could smell it on him. He snickered, moving a little closer to her, "Welcome to your first Vortex Club party." He said, his voice slightly raspy and slurred, holding an arm out to the side casually as he looks to the partygoers still going strong, a few looking over, probably confused on why he's partying with the mere mortals and not back at the VIP room where even he ruled. She didn't know how to respond, try to be cool and witty, or, herself. "Thank you Prescott, but I'm just about to leave.." She says in a volume that he could just hear, she knew, because he instantly looked nervous and even a little angry. He instantly covered it up with a drunken smirk and a nervous chuckle, "Come off it L/N the night is still young, I'll get you some more alcohol, that always helps." She could smell the booze slide off his tongue and into the air around her, making her want to cough and turn away, but why not?
She nods slowly and he stumbles over to where her cup was, surprisingly he got the weird placing correct on the first go, which should be disturbing, but her mind was whirling with everything else going on. She felt almost bloated, fatigued, maybe even claustrophobic and stressed with this amount of people, maybe she should've made friends first. Just as she really started thinking, Nathan was back with a full cup, handing it to her, cupping another hand over it so it wouldn't drop, for good measures, he was pretty drunk after all. There was something off with this flavor though, it was different to her first cup, it was less sweet and more powdery maybe? She didn't truly notice until she started getting dizzy and the world around her started crashing in around her.
Before she knew it she was passed out on the floor, in the hands of a familiar weed-scented friend. The last thing she heard was, "Shit Y/N, I'll get you to a hospital."

bloodshot eyes and violet smoke - nathan prescott x readerWhere stories live. Discover now