chapter 8 - light in the dark

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Dawn of a new day.  Well, couple weeks. It had been about that long since Y/N and Nathan had truly had an interaction. Too be far, she didn't want to see him, in a way. After all that happened in his room, she felt he didn't deserve her time, if he wanted it. At least, even if it was lonely, she had more time to focus on her work at school. Unfortunately, Nathan was in a lot of her classes. Although no true interaction took place, Nathan normally picked her to take pencils from her pencil case. The first thing she thought about was the fact that he actually did  work. She'd catch him giving her looks from the back of the classroom as he bitched with his side hoe Victoria.

Although the actual finished homework felt good, the loneliness almost felt crippling. That hole in her heart  felt like sucking her deeper and deeper into a hole she felt she could never get out from. That was until Olivia came to town. She was absolutely stunning, she had the perfect bod that every guy would go after. Long, beautiful wavy auburn hair that looked like literal sunbeams in the light and blue eyes like starlight. Even with all these traits, she went for someone like Y/N to socialize with. Although she wasn't Rachel, the two had a lot in common and it felt like the feeling of something going right after so much wrong. There was only one problem with her.

Mr. Jefferson, the real and unfortunate heartthrob of the school, because he was a teacher. Almost every girl would say he was hot, and some even act on it. Even Rachel Amber spent a lot of time with him after school talking about modeling and photography, Y/N always thought they'd work with eachother in the future. There was just something off about him, but that was just Y/N being paranoid.

"Hey....Y/N..." Olivia moved close to Y/N's ear, eyes kept on Mr. Jefferson. Her voice seemed careful, but it was probably because she didn't want Jefferson mad at her. Y/N only hummed a small note to signal that she was listening. She, too, didn't want to lose track of her homework, and not because she thought the teacher was hot. "Did you and Nathan ever have a thing?"

If Y/N had been drinking something, it probably would've spit everywhere. Instead, she kinda made a raspberry  noise and placed her face on the table, this caught Jefferson's attention. "Ms. L/N and Ms Thorstan." his voice not angry, but definitely disheveled. He walks over, "Gossiping about boys? The new Justin Bieber album?" he rolls his eyes and the students groaning around him. "Look guys, I may be 'hip with the kids' but I try to avoid some things, so maybe my knowledge is a little rusty" He chuckles, focusing most attention on Olivia. "Anyway, Straight to the point, keep gossiping for break, yeah?" he winks, Y/N nods slowly and Olivia apologizes, her face bright red and her voice shaky.

"Answer my question, Y/N" She mocks, a grin on her face and her arms crossed. Her eyes almost hypnotized her when in the sunlight, they looked like real actual stars. Y/N groaned, flopping down on the grass beside their favorite tree, further away from the jocks and anyone who'd like to see Olivia. "What? Nathan..?" She murmured, "What's gotten you all hyped up outta nowhere?" She giggled, "Puh-lease, Y/N, I see the tension between the two of you in stares"

Y/N sighed. "I mean, I guess there was something-""Tell me. ALL about it."  She says, hugging her legs. She'd normally be put off by this behavior but she knows she means well, and Rachel did too. "Before Rachel left, she asked Nathan to be friends with me aaaand..." Y/N puffed out her cheeks and exhaled, "Nathan isn't very good at that. We uh..." "You guys totally fucked, didn't you?" She cut in, raising an eyebrow. "God damn it no, let me finish." She retorted, in a tone that surprised even her, "We smoked weed and got close and that's it, no...'fucking.'" She took another deep breath "He was being an ass so I left and haven't talked to him since, sorry, I haven't trusted anyone enough to talk about this so I just reaaally needed to get it off my chest."

All Olivia did was smile, and it felt amazing, Y/N was in no mood to lose someone again. "Do you like him?" She asked softly, that mischevious smile creeping back in. Y/N looked down for a second, "I...have no idea." She murmured, "He's the worst asshole I've ever met but there's just something about him.." Looking back at her, "But I know there's something in there that makes me want to go back." Olivia giggles, "Well, Rachel definitely thought you guys would get along." she reassured, "She thought that for a reason, so don't shun him too much, okay?" She smiled, "Maybe he'll strike first."

It was the next morning and Y/N hadn't stopped thinking about everything. She didn't let Nathan finish anything after she left, so maybe he was trying to tell her something. Except, she didn't want to completely go with your idea, because if you were wrong, it'd be a shitstorm. Although, Olivia had a plan.


Nathan had been surprisingly quiet, even after our quarrel he still would've harassed me more. Maybe he's planning something. Olivia better know what she's doing, I don't want all this to backfire on my already lack of school reputation. Nathan is shallow, but no one is just shallow, he's hiding something.

Closing your book, you ready yourself for the day. Whilst in the hallway, Olivia caught up with you with her mischevious smile, "So, ready for a new day?" she grabbed your shoulders and bounced as you walked. "I'm scared Olivia, I have a feeling your plans are already in order." "Whaaaaat? why do you think that? "You're never up this early." She giggled, "Pssssh,you're just excited that you guys'll be friends again." Y/N sighed as they both walked into the classroom. Before sitting, Olivia whispered in her ear, "Whatever happens, you have to trust me."

(because this one isn't nathan based, i'll be on the road to writing chapter 9 almost instantly because i feel bad for neglecting my more popular story, sorry for the filler!)

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