chapter 16 - a slap back to reality

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You felt, so cold. There was literally no feeling in your body except for the slightest headache that almost felt numb, and a chill throughout your entire body.  You hadnt slept. It was the next morning after Kate's tragic fate and you couldn't tell what time it was. The lights in your room were off and only the cold, gray sky gave the room light. It was still raining. You must've been in the same spot that entire night, you had gotten to your room, with help from Nathan, and you sat down on the side of your bed. You managed to pass out at about 4am, but not in a comfortable position. All you could hear was pattering of rain on your window.

Even the calming rain couldn't distinguish the sickening crack you heard. It's all you thought about. Your legs still felt cold from the wet grass you collapsed on. You noticed something though. Your shoulders. You had a jacket on. From the cold, unsaturated room, the brilliant red caught your attention. It was Nathan's.

You heard yourself exhale softly, slight fog rolling out from your lips as you clutched the jacket draped on your back, it still smelt like him, with a little mix of weed and smoke, but it made you smile, and you almost felt like crying again. Feeling a wave of tire, you had the sudden urge to just curl up on the bed, keeping the jacket close to you. The bed was frozen, your cheek chilled against the pillow.

You remembered the night. At the Vortex Club, you saw what she did, you even thought about breaking it all up but you were terrified of your surroundings and now look at what's happened. You felt regret seep into your cold body as your eyes burnt, tears starting down your face slowly. You got so in depth with your thoughts that you felt your head thump from the heavy movement and you almost saw the violet lights that accompanied.

That was when you heard your phone buzz. It took you about 10 seconds to actually open your eyes, but you managed to get up on your feet and and retrieve it from your other jacket, sprawled onto the other side of the room. Rubbing your eyes, you could see a lot of capital letters, and a name reading 'Nathan'.



They kept on coming and coming....


You managed to text back

"Nathan, what's wrong? Should we meet up?"


"Please, I need to see you"

There was a pause, until he finally texted again


You gulped. Your stomach mixed with feelings of happiness and fear, he was definitely in a volatile mood.

That was when you heard more voices. Female voices, just outside your door. You were about to do something yourself, but they finally knocked. You wobbled over to the door weakly to open it.

Familiar faces, and one face you hadn't seen in a very long time. Max Caulfield and Chloe Price.

Chloe looked quite pissed, she had her arms crossed, Max looked very tired, very similar to you, but you knew why. You narrow your eyes, "What...What are you doing here?" Max threaded her eyebrows together in a worried look, "We need to talk to you." "Nathan." Chloe abruptly added at the end. You took a slow step back, "Um...-" Chloe took a sudden step forward, "Why the hell are you hanging with that prick?" Her voice was very sharp, it made you shudder, "R-Rachel..She told me that we should be friends." You noticed her cease up at the mention of Rachel. "Hell no! She wouldn't have done that! Don't lie to my god damn face!" Max gave her a quick tug and told her to quiet down a bit. "She did I swear.. She said he was a little weird but a cool guy, t-that was the last thing she ever told me." Chloe scoffed, "Yeah, before the fucked off and went missing, hey, what have you uncovered from that?" You felt your stomach turn, you thought of Rachel, you told yourself she was dead, but you knew Chloe wouldn't have given up.

"Olivia too, remember to? Or has your boyfriend been distracting you?" You suddenly felt a heat of anger in your cheeks, she had no right to talk to you like this. "They're dead Chloe, do you think they would've both just packed up and walked away together?" You muttered. That was when she suddenly pulled you forward by the shirt, and slamming you against a wall, making you let out a small squeak. "Chloe! Stop!" Max tried to retort but Chloe was strong enough to hold us both back. "How DARE you speak like that! Rachel Amber was our friend! She was the only thing I ever had! You're just gonna give up like this?! She had a LIFE Y/N!" She yelled angrily, all you could do was make sure to keep your breath steady. "Oh! and Olivia too! Isn't it a little weird that two of your friends went missing? You must not give a shit about it thought huh? Maybe your new boyfriend has brainwashed your or some shit-" "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!"

You suddenly heard a voice down the hall, Nathan. Max looked over, and you heard her whisper "Shit" under her breath, "Chloe! we need to go!" You noticed Chloe was distracted and you managed to push her back, but not before Chloe retaliated with a swift slap to your right cheek.

It echoed, and it was so strong that it barreled you onto the carpet. You saw Nathan's face grow from pissed to infuriated as he approached Chloe, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, "HOW DARE YOU?! SHE'S DONE NOTHING TO YOU!" Max looked absolutely terrified as she was tugging on Chloe's jacket, but Chloe just gave a stink-eye to Nathan and stood her ground. Your cheek stung, and everything was blurry from your head hitting the floor. "Please....s-stop..." you whimpered, trying to stand up. You heard doors open from annoyed and tired girls wondering what the big fuss was about. That was when Chloe had her turn up against the wall, Nathans angry energy could almost be felt. "What the hell is your god damn problem?" Chloe remarked, trying to push against him, "Like you can fucking talk!" He retorted, "You both think I'm a monster when you come around knocking on people's doors like fucking bible salesmen and beating the shit out of people!" He slams her against the wall again. "You're, a monster, Nathan. Noting will change that." she whispered, spitting on his face.

Before he could swing, he was suddenly knocked down to the ground, the carpet vibrating as you still struggled against it. You noticed his face, Warren. Nathan had been hit hard and could barely fight back. You heard Chloe and Max run and girls around murmuring and you could even hear people chanting for them to fight. That was when you saw his face. Nathan already had grazes and cuts on his face and Warren was not stopping. Sudden rage took over as you managed to get up and push Warren off. He looked at you in confusion, but when he noticed your tear streaked face, he backed off, and followed Chloe and Max out. Over clapping, you heard someone call out "I'm getting a nurse!" and then Victoria saw the fiasco.

"What the hell was THAT, Nathan!?" she bent down, trying to bring him up onto his feet. You watched him, he looked helpless, you almost felt like crying again. "I'm sorry...I-I'm sorry..." you heard him whimper. Victoria then turns her gaze on you, "This was your fault!" she said angrily, bringing him up onto his feet. "Nathan, lets go." she grumbles. Suddenly, Nathan moved away from her and collapsed onto your shoulder, but you managed to keep him up onto his feet. You saw her face, she looked angry, but you almost felt sadness in her eyes and she wandered off in her usual fashion. "Nathan...Nathan, can you hear me?" you whisper near his ear, rubbing his back. You felt him nod into your shoulder. Noticing a couple girls still around, you shoo them away, carrying him back into your room.

((Here's a big one for ya! Hope everyone is okay for me changing the story a bit, I thought it'd be boring if everyone knew what was going to happen etc. but like I comes the real story ;) ))

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