chapter 9 - tense

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Nathan entered class late, obviously. Science is the class they sit close to eachother, he's in the row in front, so obviously Olivia, sitting next to Y/N, notices when he stares. Because Olivia hadn't told her the plan, Y/N is unbelievably nervous, especially what Nathan would do if everything went to shit. Already she felt the tension in the air, especially after Olivia brought it up. Even if he wasn't staring physically, but she could feel him thinking about her. She felt an arm on her shoulder which made her jump a little, Olivia noticed the stress rising and rested her head onto the crook of her neck, which surprisingly calmed her. "It's okay, leave it to me" her soft voice reassured, causing Y/N's hair on the back of her neck to lay down.

It was close to the end of class, most of the class were hooked by the door, except Y/N and Olivia at the back of the classroom. "I'm going after Nathan, he's gonna be first out so I'll go out too, and you go after." She murmured close to Y/N's ear. "Just act natural, I'll meet you out at the tree, yeah?" Y/N nodded slowly and watched Nathan closely. Before she could reply, the bell had went and so did Olivia, Y/N staying behind to clean up desks for Mrs. Grant. "Come on, Olivia..." she murmured to herself, "I'm counting on you..."


Nathan....Nathan....Nathan....God dammit! He was already gone through the crowd and out of sight. I couldn't tell if he went outside or if he had stayed inside somewhere. I could feel my heart in my throat. I needed to find a clear spot. The girl's bathroom, perfect. Getting inside already made me feel calm. Although it smelt like a mix of crap and perfume it was still quiet. Moving into the stall on the far right I sat down and closed my eyes, steadying my breaths. I'm not a perfect person, I'm pretty on the outside but I'm prone to getting stressed easily, especially in large crowds. Just as I was calming down, I heard someone come in.

Then, I heard the voice.

"It's cool Nathan, don't're okay bro...just count to three..." Holy shit, what's he doing in here?! Quietly, I pulled my legs up to hug them, curling up to hope not to be noticed, calming my breath to become silent.

"Don't be scared...You own this school, if you could... you could blow it're the boss."

I'd never heard him sound like this, he sounds afraid, which next to his up-himself bravado, is just weird. I couldn't see him but I could hear him, he was pacing around and breathing heavily. That was when I heard the door open, my savior hopefully!

I....I was wrong. I knew the voice, Chloe Price. She was expelled a little while ago, but why would she be here?  "So...what do you want?" I heard Nathan speak up, Chloe huffed. "I hope you checked the perimeter, as my step-ass would say-" FUCK. I curled up closer and closer to the wall as I heard her slam her hands on the cubicles, closing up onto mine. With each slam I felt my heart beat faster and faster. Luckily, she stopped at the one next to mine and spoke up again, "Now, let's talk bidness." I hung onto every word, it was just drug dealing, of course Nathan was into that. Chloe seemed to be threatening him, calling him a little rich kid and all that, until I heard...

"You're honestly pathetic, Nathan. Even more pathetic after Y/N turned you down. I didn't even think it could get possibly worse." My heart, even in this terrifying incident, seemed to flutter. He totally likes her, but maybe he's too dangerous. Even if she hung out with Rachel Amber, this guy is baaad news. "Fuck off Chloe, you don't know who I am, or who you're messing with!" I heard them moving around again. Placing my hand to the wall, I could feel it rumble slightly as one was pushed against the wall. "Woah, Nathan, put that gun down-""I'm so SICK! of people, trying to control me!" I could feel my breaths becoming loud and shaky, my throat clogging with stress as a clutched around the wall for a grip of something. There was silence before the fire alarm was hit. That means...someone else was in here too! I heard Chloe kick Nathan pretty hard, as he fell down to the ground, and the door fly open. He....He nearly shot her! This was a mistake, I can't let Y/N anywhere near this lunatic. I had to make my escape. Without thinking, I flew open the cubicle door to see Nathan, already staring my way. "Olivia...of fucking course." He muttered, getting up slowly. I was frozen, why couldn't I move?! "Out of anyone who could've seen this, it had to be you." His eyes were blazing blue, his lip almost snarling.

I couldn't speak, my throat was so clogged that nothing could come out, "I'll fucking kill you if you shit talk me, yeah? I fucking will!"  He grasps my shirt collar, moving closer to me, "By the way...Mr. Jefferson would like to see you, and besides, he has all your medication anyway, so you better get your ass there or...." his lips turned into a twisted grin, "You'll be dead before I get to you." He finally let me go and I waltzed out of the bathroom and out into the corridor. I saw the new girl, Max, talking to the principal. I couldn't be seen by them or I'd get questioned. So I went down the corridor, and into Mr. Jefferson's room.

(this one may be a little smaller but it's full of drama AAAAND the story is truly starting!! this will be updated much quicker because so many people surprisingly like this!! thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy!)

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