chapter 12 - be concerned

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(if your coming back from the little mistake, everything new is bold)

"Even from you, Ms. L/N, it should be nothing to joke about." Principal Wells' tough voice was almost difficult to listen to, not that you felt bad, it was that you could smell the whiskey on his breath. You'd been in the room for 20 minutes and he's starting to repeat himself. You were surprised to see a police man, but I guess you had something to do with the investigation now.

"I was defending myself, sir. From being bullied." You said quietly, but strongly, looking him in the eye. He looked back at you, his eyes slightly bloodshot and tired, "That was no excuse to involve a knife and a current investigation." He rasped, fist clenched on the table. "She was bullying me about it sir, Rachel and Olivia were my only friends, sir." You muttered back, our voice slightly cracked with the grief starting to develop.
He sighs and rubs his forehead with his other hand, "It's getting late, Y/N, we'll discuss this again at a later date." He says tiredly, dismissing you a hand.
You stood, exiting after thanking him quietly.
You took out your phone slowly to text him, but to your surprise he was still waiting in the same spot, his eyes were more friendlier than usual, he had his hands wrapped together and in his lap, he was bouncing slightly.
"Oh, hey." You said quietly, "I...didn't think you would've stayed." He stands, placing his hands in his pockets, slumping his shoulders and neck, looming over you still even when he slouched, "I told you I would," he snickers, "I don't always lie." He rolls his eyes. "Oh, uh, sorry..." You murmur back, looking at your hands. He narrows his eyes, turning his eyes and kneeling slightly, to see your expression, "Principal Wells being a drunk fuck to ya?" He asks, trying his best to be quiet.
You shrug, "Nah, it was just long and tiring, brings back all that's happening." You replied quietly, "Worst thing was his breath, holy shit." You add, giggling. It makes him snicker, "True that, he doesn't even drink the good shit." He replies, looking up and around the room again he turns to you, "Alright, let's bust outta here." He smirks.
He puts his hand around your shoulders as you both walk out, even after a small conversation, you acted as though nothing happened before hand, even making you closer in a way. It made you blush even, though you tried to deny it the entire time.
"What do you wanna do?" You ask, looking up to him. "'Dunno." He shrugs, still keeping his arm around you. You swear his face looked slightly flustered.
"Let's sit down somewhere, talk."
He gulps and shudders slightly, "If you want."
After a couple minutes of silent walking, you find a small bench in the park, no one was around and the green grass and trees around were dappled with late afternoon sunlight. You both sat down, watching the world in front of you. You saw him in the corner of eye. He looked in thought, his lip was pouted slightly and eyes were that beautiful blue, intent and thinking of something.
"I wanted to ask you something." You say softly, head facing his now, he didn't look back. You saw his eyebrow and eye twitch, "Uh..yeah?"
"Do you think she's dead? well, both of them I suppose" You added the last part quickly from remembering.
"Why are you asking me?" He raised an eyebrow, still unable to keep he contact.
"When we were with Victoria, also said Mr. Bitch Killer.." This time he looked at you, he almost looked frightened.
"Nathan? What are you hiding?"
You could almost feel is tension rising off him like hot air, he took a moment to retort in his usual way, but it didn't feel like him. "Y/N, I-It's Arcadia Bay, they ain't in Hollywood or anything." He looks away, almost to ashamed in himself to keep eye contact, "They're long gone."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." You murmured, looking away, "I've learnt that life sucks and I should just move on." "You've got that right." He replied in his usual tone, almost comforting you.
Yes you've suddenly realised that your two best friends are most likely dead (and it probably hasn't sunken in yet) but in a way it's changed you, you only know now that life is just a shit storm and you should share it with someone who thinks just that, instead of false hopes.
You were both silent. Just taking in the air around you as the sun set and made the world around you feel warm and orange. He watched the trees around him, eyes slightly squinted from the sunlight and his naturally curled lips smiling slightly, he was almost at peace for once. It baffled you. He was the toughest person you knew, but he looked so soft. His lips looked so delicate and it disturbed you slightly at how many times you caught yourself staring at them.
It was awkward enough that he caught you staring, but you noticed your cheeks start burning, reflecting into his own face, you loved how easy it was to notice.
"Getting late.." You yawn, "Today was exhausting." Rubbing your eyes and standing up. He huffs, standing beside you and smoothing out his jacket. "I'll walk you to your dorm, 'got nothing better to do." You snort, "Well, that's surprisingly sweet of you." He just rolls his eyes and starts walking, you catching up to him quite quickly.

You both walk in silence for a couple minutes, the lane-way dappled with colored leaves from the trees around them, their colors brighter than usual from the bright sunlight. Even with the warmth of the sun, the chilly air or early evening started falling in quite quickly. Suddenly feeling the clothing of Nathan's shoulder bump into yours made you jump, he did slightly too, but only at your sudden movement. "Woah, Y/N, chill the hell out." he snapped, probably trying to hide his own surprise.  He watched you as you looked back at him, some of his hair fallen down onto his forehead, eyebrows furrowed and almost confused. The distance between you two had grown and all you could do was watch him nervously, as you continue walking again. "You...You coming back?" He asks in his usual tone, but slightly shaky,  "Geez, sorry for shouting, you know me." He grumbles, "You act like such a baby." To his surprise, you only laughed, and resumed your spot beside him.

You had finally gotten to the dorm. The sun was moving behind mountains by this point and was at it's brightest spot, reflecting on all the windows around the dorm. You break the silence. "Thanks. For today, Nathan." you say softly, "Thanks for being my friend, it's nice to have someone to trust again." After a couple seconds you realize he wasn't beside you. Turning around he was a couple metres behind, watching you in surprise. Suddenly he ruffled at his hair awkwardly, "Y-Yeah, whatever."

That picture would be in your mind forever. Nathan watching you with bright and almost hopeful eyes, the sun peaking through the trees and around him, almost able to see the breath coming from his mouth.

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